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They had led us into two different bunk rooms split by gender to sleep, and we were all given pajamas to wear for the night. Thank goodness, because I did not want to wear jeans to bed. We were told to wake up at 7:00 to get ready for breakfast at 7:30, prep, and departure to the island.

An alarm blared through the room, and an automatic voice flooded a speaker above.

"Goodmorning, it is time to wake up. Get changed and report to the cafeteria. Thank you. I repeat. Goodmorning, it is time to wake up. Get changed and report to the cafeteria."

I groaned at the message. Let's get something straight; I was not a morning person. But, I knew I had to obey and get up and get ready. That was going to suck waking up on an island without my comfy bed and pillows.

In the morning, outfits were laid out for all of us, just a simple white cotton t-shirt and blue jeans. I french braided my straight hair in two parts, so it wouldn't look like a birds nest, and smoothed out my shirt.

After getting dressed in my "government chic" outfit, I saw Evelyn walk towards me.

"Hey, wanna walk to breakfast together?" She spoke sweetly.

"Sure, let's go." I smiled

We walked down the halls until we stopped at a door that read "dining hall."

Using my band I held it to the door and it buzzed. I pushed it open and we went into the room.

I'm still kinda surprised at the whole band thing. I feel like they can track my every move.

Surprisingly, it looked like a lunchroom in high school. There were four tables, and a lunch bar in the corner. Some people were eating their breakfast, some getting it, and people arriving; like us.

Evelyn grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the line. I gave a slight smile to the girl in front of us, attempting to be cordial. She twisted her jet black locks and nodded back.

I saw a lady standing there scooping eggs, bacon, and pancakes onto a plate. My mouth watered at the thought of finally getting to eat something. I was so hungry.

We moved along the line, finally getting our breakfast.

I found a random table for us to sit down at, and we began to eat.

I chewed on my bacon quietly. I hoped my parents weren't too worried about me back home. I tried to think I was fit enough for this. I did run track, so I guess I'm prepared.

I mean, I have to be prepared. I have no clue what I'm going to be thrown at the Island. Sometimes, I wish I wasn't such an orderly citizen. I wish I could have just not gone. Maybe, I could have snuck out the night before I was supposed to leave and go to another country. Alas, I would never. For one, I usually follow the rules, and I did not want to get my parents in trouble.

Being lost in thought I didn't even realize our president until Evelyn nudged me.

Everything about our power. The way he entered, how he smiled at everyone when walking in. Just by the way he corralled the room. And his title of president of course.

"Welcome to breakfast. I am here today to motivate you for your journey ahead. When you are done, you will each receive your supplies and go to the Island. Stay with your groups at all times. And remember, the government isn't bad, we are here to help. Just think of when you survive and get us one step closer to space living!" He concluded as an array of claps filled the room.

The Island(UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now