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Everyone was chatting as the plane arrived.

"I'm so ready!" Gabby spoke.

"Welcome to the Island! I hope you are excited to embark on this journey we choose you for. Now to remind you, survive for a month and you're good. Die...well that's not okay. Get of the plane, and start surviving!" The government official finished.

I started running through the game plan in my head. Me, Gabby and Eve start on shelter, and the guys get food and wood.

Everyone started to get off the plane in a single file, and I was the last one.

Glancing around the plane one last time, I noticed a small piece of paper. I hurriedly picked it up, shoved it into my bag, and began to walk off the plane.

"Good luck." The government official smiled.

I mumbled a thanks and moved on.

I knew we had to find a good spot to survive, so we got to it.

We all walked around to try and find the perfect spot to build a shelter.

"Um, guys. I hate to break it to you, but we are all normal people, who have never survived on an island before. How do you suppose we find a good shelter spot?" Darren mumbled.

"Guys!" Gabby said. "Look, its perfect!"

I stopped in my tracks to see what she was taking about. The area was right by a mountain backside giving us privacy from other groups. There was a small cave in a corner for us to sleep in, and a tiny stream that ran against the rocks. There were a group of trees that outlined the area that could be used to build a fire and enhance our shelter. They also provided shade from the heat.

"Looks good to me!" Noah replied, dropping his bag on the sand and looking around.

"Welcome to our home for the next month." I spoke

"Yeah, welcome home." Eve copied.

Darren stood and looked around.

"I'm going to get food." He spit out.

"Well, ah, I guess I'll go with you, huh Darren?" Noah laughed nervously. I could tell he sensed the tension with Darren.

The both of them left our shelter in search for food.

Gabby clasped her hand together. "Wanna start a fire?" She questioned

Me and Evelyn crowded around her as she got her fire starter and some wood.

Anyway, I still questioned the government. Why would they randomly place us here. And what, are there tropical climates on Mars?

I just didn't want to tell the others. I mean, they think we are here for a good reason. I don't know how they trust our government so much.

"Uh.." Gabby laughed. "Anyone know how to make a fire? Cause I sure don't."

Evelyn just put her head down. It was then I realized going to a survival class for fun might help us out.

"Well, the one survival class I took might help. Lemme see if this works. Put the sticks together in a pile, Gabby, and put some dry grass in a pile. I remember my instructor said to light a kindling first." Gabby quickly did what I said.

"Eve, can you scrape the fire starter to try and spark it on the grass?" I asked.

"Sure." She said quietly and struck the fire starter on the grass a few times.

A small trail of smoke started to form.

"What do we do with that?" Gabby asked.

I guess they don't know about fire

I grabbed the pile and blew slowly. I remembers that oxygen is "fuel to the fire."

A small flame appear.

"Yes!" Gabby shouted

Quickly, I placed the kindling on the wood, and the flames caught on.

"And that my friends is how you create a fire." I spoke, proud of what I had did.

"Impressive." Gabby and Evelyn praised.

"Yeah, nice job Kiera. Darren managed to stab a few fish with his knife for dinner tonight." Noah's voice made me jump.

"Oh, good job Darren." I mumbled to myself sarcastically. I mean, he has been a jerk to me since we met. What makes me think I'm going to worship the ground he stands on?

Since it was the first night I knew we had to make sure everything was okay.

I wasn't sure how the other groups were doing. Frankly, I just hoped I survived.

Everyone decided to clear the area by the fire, and add on to the small cave.

"Let's fix our camp up guys." Gabby began.

She wandered from our camp to gather supplies with Evelyn.

I was in charge of tending to the fire, which I didn't really mind. After all, I was the one who knew how to tend to it.

As soon as Evelyn and Gabby came back, Noah began to chop pieces of the palm leaves and wood, while Darren laid them onto the cave extending the roof.

It's funny how people come together to survive.

A few hours later, and the shelter had an extended roof, and palm leaves for flooring.

Pretty nice if you ask me.

I decided since I had been sitting there, I might as well make some dinner for us. It was getting darker by the minute. The sun was on the verge of setting, and I was sure everyone was hungry.

"Hey Darren, can you hand me the fish?" I asked

He handed me five, and I skewered each.

I remembered the time when my mom and I were at a cookout, and cooked hotdogs over the fire. She had told me

Make sure to rotate them evenly, and don't let them burn.

I could just picture her sweet voice telling me what to do.

So, I had cooked each fish thoroughly, handing them to everyone.

"Thanks, Kiera your the woman!" Noah said as he took a bite of the fish.

"Well, thank me, I killed them. She just put them over a fire." Darren said

I was really getting annoyed with this guy.

"Listen Darren, do you have some problem with me? Cause you've been giving me hell since this thing started." I asked

"Your just incapable of-"

"Woah, guys chill. We gotta make it out alive here. No fighting." Noah intervened.

I was happy he was there to vouch for me. He seemed to be a person that solves problems.

Everyone finally finished there food, and we decided to go to bed. Each of us decided to keep watch, and wake up the next person when about an hour passed by.

I decided to go first, since I needed some time to think. When I was sure everyone was asleep, I went towards the fire to look at the paper in my bag.

Unfolding the paper, I frowned.

It's blank?

I don't know what I expected to find. I thought maybe the paper would have super secret writing or something.

I tucked the paper and put it back into my bag.

Time to watch.

Sorry for the late update, guys! Any predictions?

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