Call 9

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*incoming call from The Girl You Can't Bear To Lou-s  on the 5/29/17 (Monday)



"What you up to?"

"Preparing for my history presentation, it's not going to well, I'm going to die I'm so nervous"

"Your nervous?"

"You sound surprised?"

"No, no! I just didn't expect you to be nervous"

"This may be news to you, but I may not be as confident as I sound on a phone call to a stranger"

"Hm, aren't you a dancer?"

"I know it's weird, right? Put me on a stage in front of thousands with music I could dance my heart out. But speaking? No thank you!"

"Ah, so why the call?"

"I need your help to calm me, dumbass"

"Oh... um. Okay, well go out in front of that class and tell them what you know"

"That was shit advice"

"I was put on the spot! But seriously, you'll be fine. Just always think what's the worst that can happen? You momentarily embarrass yourself but everyone forgets by the end of the day"

"Okay, thank you"

"Real talk"

"So, when does your school start?"


"HA, mines at eight thirty"

"Damn you get more of a lay in!"

"Not if you have to get up early to prepare for a history presentation for a crappy assignment you were doing all weekend"

"Not all weekend"

"That sounded weirdly suggestive, I'm imagining the winky face emoji"

"You think what you like"

"I'll call you after school okay? Let you now how it went"

"I'll be waiting"

"Enough with the creepiness! Your giving me the shivers"

"Sh you love it!"


"Shit! I have football practice after classes, I'll have to call you after. Is that okay?"

"I don't know if I'll be able to wait that long without my virtual Romeo!"

"Romeo huh?"

"It was a joke! Don't get to excited"

"I can feel the winky face emoji through the phone"

"You feel right"

"Wait. That sounds weird, lets pretend I didn't say that"

"Say what?"

"Ha ha, thank you"

"Anyway, what I was going to say, is that there is a thing called texting"

"I've never heard of it"

"I know! It's a very modern thing, you can type your message and send to the person! Sometimes, if you have a nice teacher- or if the teacher is totally oblivious- you can do it in class"

"Ah your one of those guys... I don't think I'm rebellious enough for that"

"Only for you! And I believe in you!"

"Okay, well I'll TEXT you later about my presentation"

"Good luck!"

*The Girl You Can't Bear To Lou-s has ended the call

Hey! So I hope you all enjoyed.
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