Call 17

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*Incoming call from The Girl I Can't Bear To Lou-s on 6/1/17 (Thursday)



"What are you doing up? It's like 1 am!"

"Staying up to call you obviously. Life has been boring again?"

"I mean who could live without me? I'm the light of your life"

"Honestly last weekend I would've choked if you said that but I'm beginning to doubt myself. Nothing interesting has happened these past few days"

"Do you have friends?!"

"Shut up. Yes I do, shocker I know, but my two best friends now have boyfriends and I am sick to death of their cuteness like get a fucking room"

"You don't sounds jealous at all"

"I'm not jealous!"

"And in denial?"

"I'm not in denial!"

"Cause that really supported your case"

"I missed you less than I though I did"

"Your just salty cause you know I'm right"

"Stop talking"




"Okay this is boring now, how's life been?"

"Great actually. Apart from the withdrawal symptoms of these phone calls"

"Im blushing"

"Don't flatter yourself. You just call me too much and I now don't know what to do with my life"


"I've been doing actual homework. Do you know how boring that is?"

"You poor child, I wouldn't know. My good grades appear from Netflix and educated guesses"

"Well it sucks. Like hard"

"That's what she said"

"Did you just—"

"Heck yeah I did"

"Shit there's a noise from upstairs, run"

"That your job"

"What do I do?"

"I don't know! Hide? Pretend your eating or something?"

*call ended by The Guy So Hot He'll Give Me A Heart-a-Zack"

Enjoy, Vote and comment- I love to hear from you!!
Gracie :)xox

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