Call 27

1K 58 7

*incoming call from My Girl on 6/8/17 (Thursday)



"How's it going?"

"I'm good. How 'bout you?"

"You know, the usual. How is life as a popular kid?"


"What's it like? To be popular? You said that you are yourself"

"Um okay, I guess? Why the questions?"

"I was just wondering? Do you have loads of girls at your feet to sleep with you and everything?"

"What? I have friends, I'm not James Bond!"

"Oh, I just thought that—"

"You thought wrong. Just because I was captain of the football team, note WAS, doesn't mean I'm a dick"

"I'm sorry"

"Crap. No I'm sorry. I'm in a shitty mood"

"It's okay, you wanna talk about it?"

"Would it be rude if I said no?"

"Of course not, I get it "

"Okay, thank you though"

"So what can I do for you from 170.8 miles away?"

"Distract me"

"Is that all you want me for? Distraction? If I wasn't so forgiving and kind I would be offended"

"Shut up, you got what I meant!"

"How? My life's boring"

"I'm sure it's not, tell me about school or something"

"Um, I got an A on a trigonometry paper. That was boring, sorry, um.. ooh! — Okay so, my school are doing a trip to Duke University, for people who are applying in a couple weeks before summer"

"Are you kidding?!"

"No? I got an A, I swear"

"Not that! Do you realise how close Duke is to where I live?"


"That's, like, a half an hour drive!"

"Do you have a drivers license?"


"Then you better get your ass down there as meet me!"

"Will do. When's your trip again?"

"It's in a couple weeks, I'll text you the details"

"Can't wait"

"Woah, this is weird"


"We're actually gonna meet"

"Heck yeah we are"

*My Girl has ended the call

Woah, so they're going to meet already?
Enjoy babes :D
Gracie :)xox

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