Call 23

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*incoming call from Zack, Who Can't Deal With Periods on 6/6/17 (Tuesday)



"I'm sorry I ended the call, but I had to google something"

"Google what?"

"How to help girls on their period"

"I don't know if it laugh cry or virtually hug you"

"Virtual hug would be ideal"

"It's sending, what did your research show?"

"Mostly stuff that I can't do from North Carolina"

"Not going to lie, I wish you were here"

"I do too"

"My friend is here, have to go to school, I'll call you later"

"You have friends?"

"Honestly I would argue, but I'm shocked too"

"Huh, well have a good day, bye"


"By the way, I changed your name to zebra red panties, your welcome"

*zebra red panties has ended the call.


Just when we thought Zack was a cutie! Any predictions on Lou's next contact name for him?
Gracie :)xox

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