Call 12

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*incoming call from The Guy So Hot He'll Give Me A Heart-a-Zack on 5/30/17 (Tuesday)


"What's cooking good looking?"

"Am I mean to feel this uncomfortable"

"To be honest, it sounded better in my head"

"Yeah... So anyway, I have a problem"

"And you expecting me to solve this problem?"

"... Yes"

"I'll do my best, shoot"

"You know the guy I told you about? Rivals since I moved, took my place as captain of the football team?"

"I recall the one, yes"

"Well. Here's the thing. He wants to fight me"

"And do you want to fight him?"

"I mean he did piss me off"


"He was saying some pretty mean stuff about someone I care about. He doesn't even know them"

"Sounds like a dick, was he talking about your brother?"

"Something like that, yeah"

"I can't tell you what to do. But I don't think that violence is the best answer, however you can't let him go around saying rude things about the people you care about"

"That's what I thought"

"This guy sounds like a dick. Don't let him push you around, but don't let him get you into trouble when he's not even worth it. He's obviously insecure if he feels the need to insult you through your brother- or anyone for that matter"

"Your right"

"So what are you going to do?"

"Depends how I feel, if I think he's worth it or not at the time"

"Yes! Don't start the fight though, don't stoop to his level of stupidity"

"Thank you Lou, I don't know what I'd do without you"

"That rhymed!"

"Seriously, thank you"

"Your welcome"

"So, what's cooking good looking?"

"Oh god. Let's not bring up my terrible ways to start conversation"

"I thought it was pretty smooth"

"Thanks... YES MOM IM UP! OKAY IM COMING! I'm sorry, mom is calling me, good luck with the dickhead at school later!"

"Thanks again Lou"

"Bye Zack"

*The Girl I Can't Bear To Lou-s has ended the call

Hey lovelies! Has anyone been noticing the subtle changes of the contact names? *winky face*

Enjoy, vote and comment!
Gracie :)xox

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