00. Synopsis

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A/N: When I started writing this, I never knew it would become so popular. This story you are about to read is slightly messed up and honestly, not one of my best works. If you want to see progressive writing, check out "The Winter Experience". If you continue with this story, I'm sorry with how messed up it is. xD

FORMALLY TITLED "The Boss' Son" The cover on the side was made by Grivestone (@pgbetwixt) for the original name.

Cole Bradley, the son of Global News Network. On the outside he's a cocky, self-righteous, egotistical asshole. But in the inside, he's just a giant teddy bear that wants a boy to love him for who he really is. The son of Global News Network billionaire, James Bradley; everyone who he meets just wants a piece of his money and not him as a person.

Derek Sanders has worked for James for seven long years and when a position as a news anchor opens up, with better pay and benefits, he immediately swoops in and takes the position. Charming, cute, cuddly and just about everyone's favourite twink, Derek just wants to find someone to love him.

In the world of news, Derek and Cole are going to get much more then they bargained for when they shake hands for the first time and they both feel the electricity between them.

WARNING: Contains fluff, cliched love lines and man on man kisses and hugs (plus more ... probably). You have been warned, if this is not your thing click the back button NOW!

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