20. Half-Sibling On My Father's Side

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A/N: This took an extra day because of how I wanted to word it. I needed to ask some people some questions. Anyways, without further ado, the chapter is up. It's a zinger, or at least I think so. Vote, comment and enjoy! (P.S. THANK YOU FOR 20K READS! I LOVE YOU ALL. IF I COULD HUMP ALL OF YOUR LEGS I WOULD! :3)

“Wait, hold the phone”. I had almost forgotten Cole was in the room at this point watching all of my family drama unwind, I was now petrified and absolutely sure I should have asked him to leave when my father first wanted to talk. Damnit! “You go off about hating gay people but then you go and have an affair with a man? That seems a tad bit hypocritical, does it not?”

Clearing his throat, he looked over at Cole, “It was not a man. Three months ago they started allowing women to golf at the club, and I was partnered with a young female for a championship, one thing lead to another and before I could stop myself I was having sex with Jennifer.”

“Oh, be honest with yourself Keith, you were being the whore you always have been.”

I looked over at my mother, confused by the words coming out of her mouth, “Mother!”

She gave me a quick shrug and continued, “Oh please Derek. I’ve seen your father googling his eyes at a bunch of different women, I’m surprised he’s only had two indiscretions Well, that I know of anyways. So yes, me and your father and getting divorced. I know it may seem sad, but in all reality, I’ve been much happier without him in my presence.”

Another stunned look from myself to my mother, she was being somewhat of a bitch … I actually liked it.

“Am I interrupting something important?” Kendall’s voice came from the door, a sheepish look on her face like she just walked in on one of us naked or something. “I can come back.”

“No dear, we were just explaining our divorce to Derek here, so it’s all good.” My mother lightly ran her hand through her hair. “It’s not as devastating as it seems, so don’t worry. I’ll be fine finally being able to do all those things that Keith wouldn’t let me and he’ll be fine fucking whoever it is he sees possible. Maybe that new secretary that started last week, what was her name … Monica?”

My dad said something and suddenly they were bickering, god how I wished I could get up and get out of here while they had it out. As if hearing my prayers, Cole touched my shoulder, “Wanna go for a walk, leave these two to do some working out?”

I chuckled, “They’re never going to work things out. I can still remember back when I was a kid how their fights would last hours and I would just sit in my room waiting for them to stop or something. But yes, let’s go for a walk, I could really use the fresh air, plus I’m probably starting to smell like a ripe peach by now.”

Helping me into a wheelchair, Cole and Kendall started walking out, helping me out the door. I don’t even think my parents noticed as we left, seeing as my mother was hitting my father with her hands, yelling at him about this and that. Oh god, was the fighting just going to get worse with the divorce? They didn’t have much to fight over, so I was hoping it would be over soon. Well, except for the huge amount of money my mother won. Splitting it in half would be cruel, seeing as my father makes lots of money but … knowing Keith … it’s going to be the one thing he wants to steal.

“That was pretty intense. I must say, I’m glad my parents don’t fight like that.” Taking a deep breath, Cole looked like he needed the fresh air as much as I did. “But I was wondering who this half-sibling you have? Did they ever tell us, I couldn’t keep track of who was yelling what back there?”

 I shrugged as I turned to Kendall, “Apparently I have a half-sibling my father had with some woman before meeting my mother … or maybe he just had sex with some woman, I can’t remember. Anyways, I hope they tell me details, I would like to know who this person is.”

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