12. In The Woods

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A/N: Hey Everyone, so I might be starting a few collab stories with some of my best friends, so I have to put The Boss' Son on a schedule. It won't be updated daily, but it should be updated at least 3-4 times a week, which is almost daily. The schedule as of now is Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. An odd update may come the other days. So, it's Monday ... so here is a chapter for you. Vote, comment and enjoy :3

It was beautiful, but it didn’t look extravagant. Maybe there was a softer side to the rich boy? A simple picnic table sat in the middle of an open area, lights cascaded around the area, giving off a rich set of white light. Some champagne bubbled in small glasses on the table, mixed with some desserts that look homemade and rich. It was like looking at a Betty Crocker commercial. My mouth was watering just thinking of it.

I took a deep breath in and could smell the brownies sitting on the opposite side of the table, I could feel myself wanting to float over like in the cartoons and just start munching down. But that would be rude, I needed to take the time to thank the man who made it all happen. I took a step back, wanting so badly to run over, devouring everything in sight.

Looking at his face, I couldn’t imagine he was the type to pull this off. I couldn’t even imagine the effort it took and let me tell you, Cole Bradley did not look like the type of guy that would lift a finger making someone else’s romantic fantasies come true. He didn’t look like he actually had a single romantic bone in his body, but here we were … at a secluded part of the woods with a romantic dessert buffet spread out.

I guess I was as giggly as a school girl, because Cole was laughing at me from behind me. I turned around, glaring at him. “And what do you think is so funny?”

He gave me a look, one of those you know why I’m laughing looks, but I wasn’t taking the bait. I played stupid and gave him my best what? Look. He just smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing my neck.

“You totally thought I was going to murder you are something. I was taking you out into the woods. But Derek, you know my plan would never work for three very distinct reasons.” He smiled as he looked at me. “The first obstacle is you job, they need you on air, so they would notice if you were gone. That would get me caught.”

I made a face, “I’m new, they’d just assume I couldn’t handle the pressure.”

“Well, let’s say that’s true. The second reason why this plan would never work involves two words that would ruin anything and everything I ever was. I would surely be found out and put into prison for the rest of my life, forced to be bunk mate’s with a man named Bubba who thought of me as his girlfriend.”

I snickered slightly at the thought, but composed myself; “Oh yea, and what are these two deadly words?”

He coughed slightly, looking around the forest and whispered in my ears, “Kendall James.”

I started laughing, my face becoming red and my lungs begging for some air. My stomach started aching with the tears of laughter running down my small face, I couldn’t believe he just said that. I was thinking it was something deadly, but instead he pointed to Kendall. “Are. You. Afraid. Of. Kendall?” I tried speaking fluently, but he was hilarious.

“The Bitch in Office 786.” He recited her nickname at work, which made me start laughing even harder. It was hilarious coming from his mouth, especially because he was the Boss’ Son, second in command. It took me a second to clearly think again, but he continued his little tale.  “Honestly, I’ve seen her in board meetings. She is not to be messed with, she can be a scary woman. I once told her she needed to lay off the coffee. I’m one who speaks my mind, but the look she gave me could have killed nine of my past lives. I will never, ever talk about her addiction again.”

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