11. Secrets and Consequences

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to everyone who reads this book. Your votes, comments and support make it that much more of an enjoyable ride. I hope you enjoy this new chapter. Please vote, comment and enjoy! :3

I was having another one of those moments where life stood still and everything around me was moving slow-mo. I was hearing the words that came out of his mouth, but my mind was playing games with me and the little hamster was not rolling the wheel, he was sitting still, looking out my eyes and realizing those words were not what I could have thought I heard.

“Wait, you what?” I couldn’t let words come out, I was trying so hard to hold my tongue, I didn’t want to misinterpret what I heard. “You did what to Kirin?”

He looked at me, fear hitting his eyes again, this time it was because he wasn’t sure he should have told me, “I meant what I said. I’m sorry I have to tell you but I cannot trust anyone else.”

My mind started playing out a scenario in my head where Kendall found out about this and the world came crashing down around Benjamin. She would go to the police right away and make sure he was put away forever and ever. She wouldn’t even feel remorse for it. Damnit, why can’t I be more like Kendall?

“What happened exactly?” I sat down on the counter, watching his every move. He stood with his hands in the apron on his uniform, looking at the ground.

“I came home one night, I think sometimes around August 6th or something. I heard a loud noise from upstairs and I went to investigate. Nobody was supposed to be home, Kirin was supposed to be on a business trip. Anyways, I went upstairs to him having sex with someone younger than me and the worst part, that someone was a girl he worked with, Karen Anders. I lost my mind, screaming and yelling. I ended up leaving the house and was determined to find somewhere else to say.” He took a few deep breathes, tears racing down his cheeks, “I came home the next night to grab my things and leave, that’s when he started pushing me, making idle threats and telling me I’d be alone and weak without him. I shot back that I would be weak if I stayed with him, knowing what he was doing. He lost his mind, he ended up strangling me and shoved me against the wall, I was panicking and I grabbed a vase from the table beside me and hit him in the head. Glass went everywhere and he fell into a heap on the ground.”

I was having shallow breathes, I couldn’t understand how the little and timid Benjamin killed someone, but he seemed to be pretty torn up and I could tell he was shaking. I guess this meant he was telling the truth, but why would he lie about killing someone? Especially when I could go to the police.

“He got up and cut me on the back with one of the broken pieces, the mark is all the way from top to bottom. I thought he was going to kill me, so I ended up kicking him in the face and when he was down on the ground, I put the knife into his throat. The feeling was horrible, the sickening sounds of his throat being cut open, blood getting everywhere. But I had no choice, he was way bigger than me and honestly, he could have killed me if he so chose to. I was terrified, Derek. I could have been dead, a corpse to the world.”

I watched him, I looked at everything he was doing, I was looking for remorse or something. I was going to betray him and go to the police, but if he felt remorse, I was going to make sure he had a good lawyer. I guess I needed to tell him. I did dislike him, very much so, but I did not hate him at all. I needed him to know I was there for him, because it seemed like everything was going downhill for him. Damnit, why do I continue to have this heart of gold shit? I should just turn him over and hope he gets what he deserves … whatever that is.

“Benjamin… you know I am going to have to go to the police about this, right?” I looked him in the eyes, his entire body was red and his face was dampened by his tears. “I can’t just let you tell me this and keep it a secret, I could be charged with accessory to murder and withholding evidence.”

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