02. Kendall is NOT a man

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A/N: I was going to wait a little extra time to post this, but I finished it and I'm getting ready for work *sighs* So, here it is folks. Vote, comment, enjoy!

It’s Saturday, I love Saturdays. Only because I can be as lazy as I want and it won’t matter, because tomorrow is a day off anyways! I’ve been pacing back and forth for over an hour now, trying to get the nerve to go up to my mirror and talk to it.

Not like that! I need to practice my TV persona.

I was about to start one of the most important jobs in my entire life and I wasn’t even half ready for what was about to happen. What if I messed up? The whole nation. No, the whole god damn world would see it. Why did I even apply for this? I should have just sat behind the desk and did what I was good at, being quiet and efficient. Maybe I should call my boss and let him know I can’t do it, the pressure is too much.

Oh yea, and then what happens to Cole. Good luck ever getting the chance to hire anyone ever again. Plus, my boss actually likes me… he said so himself one time!

I took a deep breathe, letting myself take a few seconds to calm down. This is just wonderful, haven’t even started my first day and already I’m driving myself into an anxiety attack. Well, that’s just lovely. Now I’ll be known as the crazy news anchor … the guy who sweats an ocean on live TV.

The phone started to ring, which made me jump out of my skin. I glared in its direction, well at least it took me out of my anxiety attack, and maybe I can calm down once I start talking. I looked at the caller display and as soon as I saw the unknown number I sighed to myself. No, I will not be roped into buying a timeshare in Tahiti again, thank you very much!

I let the answering machine take it. Yes, I have one of those old school answering machines. I can’t part with it; it’s been through so much with me. I heard the click, and then my voice cut in, talking about leaving a message and blah blah blah. Finally my voice cut out and the person who was calling started talking.

“Hey Derek, its Cole. Listen, this isn’t really the way I wanted to talk to you. Actually, if my dad found out I had gone through the personal files on his computer to find your number he would probably kill me and string me up for the world to see. Anyways, I wanted to talk to you … I needed to ask you something important, but I can’t really do it over the phone, you know? I just need to talk.” He hung up the phone, I could hear the silent click and then the answering machine kicked out.

I should’ve answered it, but my mind was racing a million miles per minute and all I could think about was how his voice sounded as a recording. So sexy I could start drooling. Wait, what? I shook my head, racing to the phone; maybe I could catch him before he actually hung up. I picked up the receiver, frantically trying to get his voice on the other line. “Cole, hello! Cole?”

Way too late, genius. You already heard the clicking of the phone being hung up.

I took a deep breath in and sighed, letting my emotions slide out with each and every single breathe. Well fuck, that couldn’t have been any more cryptic, now what am I supposed to do. Great, my lazy Saturday is now ruined. All I’ll be thinking about is his voice and what he needs to talk about.

The phone started ringing again, my breathe started to get ragged. Oh my god, he’s calling again.

I fumbled with the phone, trying to pick up in the coolest and calmest voice I could muster, what came out was more of a squeak then a voice, but that’s beside the point. “C-Cole?”

A silence at the other end, was he ignoring me now? Oh god, I fucked everything up already. What if he thinks I’m weird because I said his name? Whatever happened to a simple hello!

Cole.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt