22. Attempted Murder

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The sounds were swirling around me at a million miles a minute. The sound of smashing glass, the sound of his screaming and the sound of my voice yelling, they all mixed together to create a scene I never thought I would have seen coming in a million years. Cole was sitting on a chair just outside my door, handcuffs on his wrists and a very pale expression on his face.

“Sir, what happened?”

I heard some mumbling, but my head was still not in the game. My eyes were fixed on the window, looking at the sun dancing on the little rocks of glass. I couldn’t believe what just happened, I couldn’t understand what had gone through Cole’s head as he pushed Benjamin out the window, even if it was an accident.

“Sir. What happened?”

I finally snapped back into reality, staring at a man in a suit, looking at me with a concerned look and jotting down some notes. I tried to talk, but I couldn’t think properly. I was imagining Benjamin lying on the ground of the third floor window, blood dripping from his pores and he crushed every part of his body. I was about to cry, trying to keep it in for the safety of my pride.

The man sat next to me, putting his hand on my shoulder as a way to comfort me, he sighed and put down his notebook, “I can tell the man who fell out of the window was close to you, the way you’re acting is a classic case I’ve seen hundreds of times. He’s okay though, Mr. Sanders, he has a broken leg and a fractures femur, but he was lucky your room had a dumpster by it. Now, I really need to know what happened. The man outside your room might be getting charged with attempted murder and I really need to know if that’s what happened.”

“Attempted murder? Cole would never have done that, this is a serious misunderstanding!” I clenched my fist on the bed, growling at the man in the suit, “You have this all wrong. It was just a mistake, he never meant any of it.”

“Then you need to tell me what happened. You’re an eye witness, right now the man that fell out of the window cannot talk.” He had a bit of caring in his eyes, but I was wary of trusting him.

“His name is Benjamin Harold. But before I tell you anything, what are your views on gay people?” I knew I was being stereotypical, but I needed to know what I said was going to be listened to and not thrown out the window because this was a homophobic cop.

He looked a bit thrown off, a glassy look filling his eyes, he sighed as he again picked up his notepad, “I’m one myself, so I can’t really judge you. Why do you ask?”

“Bad experiences.”

He smiled slightly, “Can you tell me now what happened? I’m going to jot down everything you say now, but tomorrow we’re going to have to get an official statement if we proceed with the charges.”

I moved away from the cop, limping onto the cold linoleum floor. I looked at the man and sighed, “It was a mistake. The man outside is my boyfriend, Cole Bradley. The guy outside the window is my ex-boyfriend, Benjamin Harold. We were talking when he kissed me and Cole got super jealous, he started pushing him and before I knew it, he was smashing through the window and falling to the ground. I don’t know exactly what happened after that, I’ve been in shock I guess.” I sat back down, my mind racing through the flashback of the incident, “Cole never meant for this to happen and if you charge him with attempted murder, I will be the first to fight for his freedom. When will you know if you’re going to charge him?”

“Has Cole ever hit you before?” His words stung at my ears, I couldn’t believe I was hearing this. He completely ignored my question, which irritated me more than it should have.

“I asked you a question, detective. Please answer me before I answer any more of your questions.”

He just smiled, “You’re pretty stubborn, aren’t you?” Getting off the bed, he looked out the shattered window, “As soon as the man who—I mean, Benjamin wakes up, we will ask him if he wishes to press charges. By the sounds of it, Cole never meant for this to happen, so the department of justice will only charge him with assault, which will end in community service. We do not need to tarnish the Bradley name if not absolutely necessary.” He looked back at me, a small smirk leaving his face, “Now, please answer my questions. Had Cole Bradley ever hit you before this?”

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