Asking For Help

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In the next couple of days, she spent traveling from her courtyard to the barracks to over see each wounded guard and soldier. She had stayed next to Jonas for several hours watching over him to give the others a break. Even though they tried to argue with her, that they could do it, she wouldn't budge and made sure that they understood her intentions towards them were good and pure. Her word was her bond, so when she said she was going to do something, she would do it and no one could tell her otherwise.

After three days, Jonas woke up when it was Siri's turn to watch over her.

"Angel?" Jonas asked. "Did I die?"

"No, Jonas, you did not die. You are alive and well." She told him. She placed her hand on his forehead and her cold hand cooled him down and brought him some much needed comfort. Siri took her hand off his forehead and went to the side table to grab a pill from a small jade vase. He could tell that the pill inside the jade vase was a powerful pill that held some qi inside of it. "Eat. It will heal you."

He opened his mouth and accepted the pill willingly and as the pill met his tongue, it melted into a liquid and tasted like grapes. How could such powerful medicine taste so great? Who was the woman?

"Jonas!" Petra said as he came in to check in on his younger brother. His eyes watered with happiness as he held on to Jonas's hand and brushed back his messy hair. "You're awake!"

"Em!" Jonas said. "Brother, it's good to see you again."

"It's good to see you too!"

"Brother, can you help me?" Jonas asked.

"Of course! I'll help you in any way I can!"

Jonas looked at Siri then looked at Petra, then back again. "Can you tell me if there is a beautiful woman standing next to me right now? I don't know if it's really true or I'm seeing things?"

Petra looked at Siri with concern. He didn't know if she would take offense to another man calling her beautiful. To his surprise, Siri laughed and covered her mouth as her laughter became louder.

"Jonas, that's our new Mistress. She is Princess Consort Siri. Prince Ryu's new wife." Petra told him. He turned to Siri and apologized repeatedly. "Please for give my brother, Jonas. He did not know---"

Siri waved his apology away with her hand that was used to cover her mouth. "Don't worry about it. We never met, so of course he would be confused."

"Thank you, Princess." Petra said.

"Em. I'll leave you to spend some time with him. Since he no longer has a fever, feed him some soup and rice porridge for now. I'll visit tomorrow to see how he is doing. Don't give him a bath and don't let any water touch his wound. I just changed the bandages and he's healing up nicely."

"I'll do as Princess commands." Petra said.

Siri made sure to check all the injured guards and soldiers before leaving the barracks. On her way out she was stopped by Ethan who was sent by Ryu.

"Princess Siri. Prince Ryu has asked for presence in his courtyard. I am to escort you there."

"Very well, lead the way." She said.

Meda had followed her to the barracks, leaving the rest of maids to make more bandages and catguts. Nurse Mi and Nurse Nancy had volunteered to help and was being taught by Gilldy.

Siri got into a carriage with Meda as Ethan rode in front with the driver and they went to the Bamboo Courtyard. When they reached the courtyard 10 minutes later, she notice how nice his courtyard was and inside she felt slighted by his actions to put her in a shabby courtyard.

She was lead through the bamboo grove and straight to his living quarters where he sat while having tea.

"Wife greets, beloved husband." Siri said as she bowed.

Her acting greatly amused him as she bowed to him and greeted him. She acted in front of everyone, not letting her maids know as well how the whole marriage was a farce.

"Come. Sit. Drink tea with me." He ordered her.

"Leave us." He then ordered after tea was served to Siri.

When they were left alone, silence descended over them as they drank the tea. It was a long time before Siri gave in to the silence to figure out why he brought her here.

"What does my beloved husband want to seek out this lowly wife of his?" When she talked she didn't look at Ryu. She stared into her tea and watched as the tea leaves move around as she swished the cup around in circles.

"How much do you know about medicine?" He asked.

"I know enough." She answered, but didn't really answer him. "Why are you asking?"

"My legs? Can you take a look at them? Are you able to cure them?" He asked slowly and hesitantly. "If you can't cure it, it's okay, no other doctors have a solution to cure it. So don't feel down if you can't cure it. I just thought that since you taught yourself medicine and created instruments to help cure others, maybe you knew about something that...could help me."

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