Spring Hunt (4)

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When Ryu and Siri joined the feast, it was already late into the celebration. Siri tried to be as quiet as she could, but there were times when Siri shouted out Ryu's name in passion as she came. And he didn't cover up her mouth to hide the fact that they were having mind blowing sex in their tent.

All anyone could talk about was the sounds that was coming from Prince Ryu's tent. The rumors that Siri started as a joke was confirmed that day as truth. Ryu had to live up to the legend that she created and he took it with stride as she came over and over. Her screams and whimpering could be heard throughout the evening.

Everyone tried their best to ignore them, but there were times where there was a lull in the celebration and Siri's cry in release could be heard above the music that was playing.

When Ryu and Siri finally cleaned up and joined the feast, Siri could feel all the stares on her and Ryu and a red tint covered her cheeks. She did try to hold back on her screams, but she couldn't help herself. When she was lost in the moment, she couldn't hold anything back.

"It's finally time the Prince Brother and Princess Sister-in-law to finally join us." King Cai said as he smiled at them. "We can now all enjoy tonight's feast as it was meant to be enjoyed."

Siri smiled shly before she bowed her head, "Please forgive this Princess for the disturbance."

"It was my fault." Ryu said as he grabbed the teacup from Siri's hands. "With a wife like Princess Siri, this Prince finds that this Prince cannot take this Prince's hands off Princess Siri."

The crowd chuckled as women fanned themselves. If they could have one night like Siri had with Ryu, they would trade everything to experience the way Ryu made Siri scream. Women looked at Ryu in lust, while they looked at Siri with envy. Men looked at Ryu in awe, admiration, and envy, while looking at Siri with lust.

Ryu's possessive arm came around to wrap itself around Siri's shoulder, bringing her chair closer to his wheelchair. Siri rest her head on his shoulder as she sat back and watched the dancer and listened to the music.

After a while, Ryu and Siri were forgotten, as more dancers came upon the stage as the momentum built up along with the music. The telling of the story was beautiful as the reveal of the beautiful maiden took off her mask.

When the mask was taken off, a lot of people gasped in surprise. It was Chunhua, daughter to Minister Roland Wang. Chunhua, whose beauty could start wars and crumble cities. Chunhua, who was untouchable in every sense. Her beauty, her talent in the four arts and her martial skills were at peak Earth Bound Martial Stage. Everything about her was marriage material, and yet, she has not yet been married yet. A man who could match this divine woman could only be as strong, handsome, and talented. That man would have been Prince Ryu, but with his crippled body, he didn't stand a chance to even be in her presence. For he would be a speck of dirt to her clean image.

Chunhua danced around in her dress that flowed like water around her. It made her look like a fairy flying from table to table as she danced along with the story. Her enchanting dance drew gazes from everyone, mesmerizing them to her charm. When she came up to Ryu and Siri's table, it was the last of table that she haven't dance in front of yet.

Siri stared at Chunhua as Chunhua stared at Ryu. While Ryu looked boredly at the scene in front of him. Instead of appreciating the view, he turned towards Siri and pulled her coat tighter around Siri, slighting Chunhua in front of everyone.

Chunhua's steps faltered before she caught herself and whipped around to finish the dance in front of the King. King Cai's eyes lit up in excitement as he watched the young woman dance enchantingly in front of him. He could feel his member growing from just looking at her hips.

When the music ended, everyone clapped boisterously at the wonderful performance. When Chunhua bowed, the King stood up to grant her a gift for doing so well on her job well done.

"This King will grant, Lady Chunhua a gift." King Cai said as the crowd settled down. "For that wonderful performance, this King shall grant Lady Chunhua a wish."

Chunhua knelt down and bowed as she thanked King Cai.

"Your Highness is too magnanimous!" Chunhua said as she bowed once more. "Lady Chunhua is not worth of Your Highness's praise and gift. It is Lady Chunhua's honor to dance in front of everyone for tonight's feast for The Spring Hunt."

"Speak. What does Lady Chunhua want that this King can grant?" King Cai asked as his eyes glowed with lust.

"This Lady only asks for one thing." Chunhua said as she lowered herself even more. "This Lady asks for King Cai to grant a decree of marriage between Lady Chunhua and Prince Ryu."

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