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When Siri woke up, there was a blanket covering her. The sun light shined brightly through the crack window that was slightly ajar to let in the cool breeze blow through. Siri sat up slowly stretching her arms over her head as she twists her waist from side to side, cracking her back and stretching out her sore back muscles.

She looked down and saw that she was no longer in her dress that she fell asleep in, but in her undergarments. Not thinking too much about it, she figured one of her maids must have changed her and place the blanket over her to make sure she was comfortable while she slept.

Rose was right by the door, listening to any movements of her Mistress. When she heard her mistress move around, she opened the door slowly and quietly before entering the room.

"Princess!" Rose said as she opened the blinds and the window, letting in the sun and the wind. "You slept for a long time. A day and a half has already passed."

"Run me a bath?" Siri asked as she stood up to stretch her body even more.

Rose froze when she saw Siri's half naked body. Usually when her Mistress slept, she would sleep in her sleeping clothes and never in her undergarments. Seeing her Mistress in her state of undress surprised her, but she didn't say anything.

Everyone knew that the last person who was in their Mistress's bedroom was their Master, Prince Ryu. They had no business to ask their Mistress why she was in such a state of undress. So instead she went directly to the bathing room and started the bath for her Mistress.

Gilldy came into the room and hesitated for a second before she continued on with her work. She had a tray of tea and snacks for her Mistress to snack on as they prepare her for her bath. The tray was set down on the table in the middle of the room as Siri sat down to drink the tea and nibble on the snacks.

"Did anything happen while I was asleep?" Siri asked Gilldy as Gilldy undid Siri's hair and started to comb out the tangled knots.

"No, Princess." Gilldy told her truthfully.

"Was everything delivered safely?" She asked.

"Yes, Princess. Everything went according to the Master's wishes."

"Good." Siri asked. "Did he ask for me while I slept?"

"No, Princess." Gilldy said.

The rest of the early afternoon Siri spent in her room. After she took a nice hot bath, she changed into a clean yellow dress and let her hair hang down her back as she painted. If Ryu did not ask for her, she would not go seeking trouble.

Gilldy stood by as she watch Siri paint the whole afternoon. No words were spoken when Siri painted. Gilldy watched carefully and helped refill any colors that ran low and helped change the water that was used for the painting.

Gilldy, watched as Siri painted a home in the middle of a field. Livestock surrounded the home to one side and on the other side, rows and rows of different vegetables grow abundantly and healthily. The sun shined brightly above as two farmers work on their vegetable farm. Two dogs guard the house as a small boy sits next to them while five chickens peck on the ground in front of them.

Behind the farm is a river and behind the river is the forest and a three peak mountain. The painting looked peaceful and happy. As if the painter wanted to live such a simple and clean life. As if the painter wished this was a life that was possible for her.

A knock on the door interrupted her quiet painting.

"Come in." Siri said as she felt a sense of foreboding.

"Prince Ryu asks for your presence in his courtyard." Steward Mo said as he watched Siri put way the brushes.

"After you." Siri said as she walked around her desk.

"Are you not going to change?" Steward Mo asked.

"No." Siri told him. "Why? Will there be someone else there?"

"No, but--" Steward Mo began to say.

"Then there is no reason to change." Siri told him. She thought she looked fine. The only reason why she would change her clothing is if there was someone important for her to meet. She would change clothes so Ryu would not lose face to the guest, however if it was just her fake husband, why should there be a reason for her to change clothes? She didn't have to impress him.

There was a carriage already waiting by her gate as they reached her gates.

"Please get in." Steward Mo said as he opened the door to the carriage for her.

"Thank you." Siri said as she got inside. The door closed and the curtain was pulled back and Siri watched the scenery go by. The different courtyards passing her by and as each courtyard came and went, the bigger and fancier they got.

When they arrived to Ryu's residence, Siri got out of the carriage outside his courtyard gates. Several soldiers stood outside his gates, guarding the entry way. And as she stepped down, all four of the soldiers bowed in greeting. Siri stopped in her steps as she saw this. This was something new that she wasn't expecting. Usually, they just ignored her and let her on her way, however to acknowledge her in their presence was heartwarming.

Siri smiled tightly and nodded her head once to let them know she noticed and appreciated their acknowledgement.

Steward Mo lead the way into Ryu's courtyard in a fast pace as Siri walked beside him. His steps were one step behind Siri, to show her the proper respect as the Mistress of the household, but truthfully, he was the person leading the way, not the other way around.

Steward Mo opened the door and like before, the soldiers who guarded the entrance to Ryu's home, bowed down towards Siri as she approached. And again, she nodded once to acknowledge them back.

Steward Mo leads her to Ryu's study and knocks on the door with three quick taps before opening the door and stepping to the side to let Siri pass through. Once she does, Steward Mo closes the door behind Siri and inside is just the two of them.

"What shall this Prince reward you for a job well done?" Ryu asked as his back was to her. He was sitting in his wheelchair looking out into his flower garden and koi pond. The sun shined brightly through the opened windows which made Ryu look as if the sun radiated from him. It made him look majestic, just like the stories that were told about him and his magnificence.

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