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The old man's brain froze for a moment before he stood up and bowed to her.  

"Please forgive this servant."  He said as his eye open wide while looking at the floor.  How could he be so negligent in his observations.  It must be with his old age that he didn't notice before.  

The young woman, Queen Siri wore what seemed to be a simple white dress, but it was also embroidered with white thread of a phoenix over clouds with a pearl in it's mouth.  Her hair ornament was simple as well, but the quality of it was far superior.  It was her shoe that gave her away, if he would have paid more attention, he would have noticed it earlier and not made a blunder.  It was white, but there was a dragon and phoenix embroidered in silver on them.  The maids, the nurses, the guards.

If he could find a whole to hide in at the moment, that's what he would have done.  

"Please stand."  Siri said as she waved him to sit back down.  "It was this Queen that did not introduce myself first.  It was not Elder's fault that Elder did not recognize me.  Besides, this Queen has enjoyed the chess games we played.  No one here, except Steward Mo plays with me.  However, I'm beginning to think Steward Mo feels as if he's obligated to play with me, seeing how this Queen has won every game against him and he hasn't improve."  

The old man smiled at her.  He studied the young woman closer and nodded his head with approval.  Her beauty was one that men enjoyed, however along with her beauty, there was a brain and a glib tongue.  She would do well as their Queen.  He had a good feeling about her.  

"Besides."  Siri said as she sipped on her cold tea.  "I've noticed something about elder that you've been trying to hide."  

"What do you mean, your Highness?"  The old man said.  His eye widen at her.  There was  no one who knew about his illness.  He had hid it well for so many years trying to find a cure, but with no luck he only has a couple years left to live.  

"Elder doesn't have to hide Elder's illness to this Queen.  This Queen can see all of your symptoms and has come to the conclusion that this Queen can cure you."    Siri said as she reset the chess game.  She made the first move then sat back as the old man snapped out of his spell before making his move.  "Your first giveaway was your eyes.   Although knowledgable and kind, the whites are yellow with red veins.  You have bags under your eyes, meaning you can't sleep at night.  The corner of your lips are dry, even though you've drank several cups of cold tea in the past hour and a half.  Your fingertips have a tint of blue.  Either you're cold or it's because of your illness.  I'm betting it's the second one."  

Siri had to stop before making her move on the chess game.  "Before you talk, you will always have to lick your mouth because it's dry all the time.  Your illness is affecting your sight, your hearing and your taste, am I correct?"

"Yes, your Highness."  

"You've been hiding this illness for some time now."  

"Yes, your Highness." 

"All the things I've mentioned about you, have they've been correct?"  

"Yes, your Highness."  

"Have I missed anything?" Siri asked as she made another play.  

"No, Your Highness."  He said.  

"With your symptoms, I can narrow it down to two poisons."  Siri said.  "The first, Blood Billow Poison.  The second, Grave Mire Poison. Both poisons, has the same symptoms that you are showing, however one poison is common and easily curable.  The other, rare and curable, but only if you can find the Billow Ink Root. I'm guessing you've been poisoned with the the Blood Billow Poison, seeing how you would have cured yourself by now of your illness and not let it stay inside of you."  

"Yes, your Highness."  He said as he sighed heavily at his carelessness that caused him to become poisoned.  

"Lucky for you, you met me."  Siri said as she place the last move on their game of chess before declaring her win. "Checkmate."  

The old man quickly looked at their game before staring at it for a few minutes before accepting his defeat.  

"You should thank all your lucky stars and all the Gods that you met me."  Siri said as she smiled at him.  Her face, beaming with confidence and mischievousness.  "I'm going to be your life's savior.  How will you reward me?" 

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