Harvest Moon

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Siri and Ryu's marriage was one to be envied by everyone. The next day there was a decree from their King, warning every noble and royal house. It stated that his eyes and his heart only has enough room for one woman. That woman stood by him when he was the Useless Prince. The only woman who faced ridicule, adversary, and gossip because she married him. And yet, she held her head up high and didn't let anyone's words of gossip or ridicule love him any less. She loved him when he was the Useless Prince. And for her virtuous manners, he pledged to only love her. He encouraged the noble houses to find a man to love their daughter, as he loves his Queen. For if they insist that their daughter becomes his concubine. They would be living in the Back Palace, with a title and honor, but they will only be a flower garden that will wilt, for he would not be attending to it.

The message was loud and clear. It rang from coast to coast, even across the sea to the other Kingdoms and Countries. King Ryu loved his Queen Siri. There was no breaking up their union. There would be no room for anyone else.

The Father's who loved their daughters gave up the notion of tying their families to their King's royal household. What is the use of tying them closer to the King, if they can't get a grandchild from the union? How would they become the next in-laws of the royal family if he wouldn't even take a step inside the Back Palace.

There was a mix reaction to Ryu's decree. Most citizens thought their King and Queen was a match made in heaven. How can break up a match that was so perfect? Others thought that he was lead by his penis, because of the Queen's beauty and that the Queen was a shrew and made him write that decree. They didn't believe that one man can stay true to one woman.

The more stubborn and opportunistic noble houses, ministers and generals disregarded Ryu's decree. Thinking that their daughter was more talented and more beautiful. If they could cause the King and their daughter to have a moment together, their daughter would surely succeed. Their daughter would know how to attract his attention away from Queen Siri and bore the first baby dragon from their union.


Siri checked over Master Teacher's Tsuyoi's health, making sure the treatment she subscribed to him was a success. After telling him that he was in full health again, Tsuyoi immediately kowtowed to Siri. Promising her that his life will now be in her hands. His services are at her command. And that whatever she bids him to do, as long as it is within his abilities, he'll do it.

"Please Stand, Master Teacher. Should my King Husband see you on your knees, he'll surely punish me for teasing you." Siri said as she came forward to help him up. But instead, he quickly got up like a spring youth, not letting her touch him, afraid that Ryu would kill him if anyone touched her.

"As for your gifts." Tsuyoi said. "They are on their way here. When they get here, I shall present them to you."

Siri smiled at him and walked him to the door.

"I look forward to Master Teacher's presents!" Siri said to him as she sent him off.

With one thing done, there was always another thing to do. She was in charge of planning the Harvest Moon celebration and had to invite the whole nobility. All the Ministers and Generals with their families would need to be invited back into the royal palace. Thankfully Steward Mo is here to help her plan and oversee the party.

Invitations were soon sent out to every noble house to celebrate the Harvest Moon. The palace was decorated beautifully with lanterns that were hung above the pathways and on the side of the pathways. The flower garden was open and lit up as well, for the viewing of the Harvest Moon. The ceremonial hall was already filled to the brim with every minister and general and their families once again. Music was already playing when they arrived. Wine and food was served generously to each table. The servants worked without mistakes and no incidents occurred so far.

When Ryu and Siri was announced, everyone stood up and bowed to the united couple.

"You may sit." Ryu told them when he and Siri sat down in their seats. As the dancers danced, they made sure to only dance in front of the King and Queen for a few minutes before moving on. Remembering to never make the same mistake that their fellow dancer did the last time they were there.

As the dancers danced, there was suddenly a gasp from the women. There at the entrance of the ceremonial hall was a woman in black. Her dress was tight on her top half yet flowed with silk fabric at the bottom. She wore a black veil, covering her face. As she danced, a jingle of bells could be heard with every movement. She enticed everyone's gaze as she danced, bring everyone's attention to her supple and flexible body moving. She danced passionately along with the song, As the other dancers danced around her and supported her, causing her to be more in the spotlight.

When the dance ended along with the song, everyone stood up to clap. Her performance was riveting. A performance that would be talked about for days to come.

"Reward." Ryu said as he saw how his people liked her performance. He personally didn't care for it, but seeing how she did such a great job, it was only right to reward her with something.

The woman immediately knelt to receive the reward.

"For all the dancers, three strings of gold coin for a job well done."

All of the dancers knelt and bowed in their gratitude. Everyone thought he would only reward the mysterious woman, but he rewarded every dancer there, not giving favor to only one person.

"For the musicians, four strings of gold for a job well done."

The musicians were surprised. They have never been rewarded before for performing. It was their first time so they were happy. They set their instrument aside and bowed to their King's magnanimity.

"Continue." Ryu said as he waved his hand, dismissing the dancers and musicians who were kneeling to go back to work.

The woman in black hesitated, but she kept kneeling, her stubborn nature refused the dismissal. Ryu looked over at Steward Mo who was standing behind him. Steward Mo immediately knew what to do and say.

"Is there a problem with the King's reward?" Steaward Mo asked. "Are you not grateful for your reward or is it that you think you deserve more?"

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