14. Deadly Liquor

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You were a risk
I was willing to take
I wanted to drown in your lips
Wanted to be lost within
The constellations in your eyes
I was living in a false bubble
At the verge of being popped by reality
You were a drug
I craved to inhale
To keep my lungs from ripping apart
I wanted to live in your warmth
While you're burning away my beige skin
Leaving spots of colors, tattooed as scars
I wanted you to hold my hands once
Before they dug deep beneath my skin
And made red liquid ooze out

You touched my cheeks
With blood ridden hands
And kissed my dying lips
A final goodbye
You tasted like sweet honey
When in authenticity
You were a deadly liquor
Made me feel alive
But you took my life
Because you came with a price

felicity wren

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