19. Broken Souls

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Red lips and rosy cheeks
A sweet mouth that pours white lies
Sad baby blue eyes
None of which I have
Will you still love me?

Cracked lips and a cold voice
Dark half moons under the eyes that have seen nothing but pain
A heart that no longer beats
I'm a dead human being
I exist, but I'm not alive

I'm trying to find myself somewhere
Within the scattered pieces of my mind
My eyes capture only darkness
Will you be light and help me find myself?

Will you bear with my bitter remarks?
Because the venom has stained my throat
Will you blow kisses
That will revive me from the demons
Eating me from the inside out?

Will you try to find constellations
In my jet back eyes?
Will you be my anchorage when I'm drowning
In my own thoughts?
When I'm nothing but a withered soul
Will you still hold me?

Would you be broken by falling in love
To heal another broken soul?

felicity wren

P / N :
Exams are so tiring, I can't even. Sorry for a crappy update. Have some cherry blossoms to keep you happy. :)

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