25. Mirage

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Running from something I don't know
In constant motion just to conquer this delirium
It's chasing me, it's killing me
Staring at the worn out ceiling
In hopes of breaking the walls I've build myself
Wandering into a garden of dead daffodils
The warm yellow that melted into sombre gray
A world I once used to know turned into
Something black and white
There's no light, there's no life
Just me running inside a never ending tunnel
I see light at the end
I'm running , I'm still running
Hopes of freedom suddenly turn into the fear that it's just an mirage
Just something created by my delusional mind
My bones are falling apart, my flesh is ripping off
My lungs are running out of air
Is there anyone who can breathe me back to
l i f e ?

felicity wren

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