Sleep deprivation

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Thanks HarrryPotterRulz, my awesome friend for this suggestion 😃.

Hera sighed and rubbed her eyes.
It was past midnight on the Ghost and everyone had gone to bed. Well, except for her. She was finishing the reports for Commander Sato that needed to be handed in the next day.
With a yawn, she stretched and went back to her data pad.
The door hissed and she looked up.
Kanan stood, bleary eyed, looked at her curiosly.
"Kanan. You alright?" Hera asked.
"I became a butterfly" Kanan replied sitting beside her.
Hera raised a brow. Was Kanan even lucid?
"Kanan? Are you feeling alright?" She asked concerned.
"I feel free. I feel like I could run a marathon right now."
Hera tried to stifle her giggles. Kanan was acting strange and she wanted to know why. Then and again, it wasnt everyday you saw him loopy.
"Kanan have you slept?" She asked.
"Nope not for three days" Kanan replied.
That answered a lot. Sleep deprivation.
"Well, why aren't you sleeping?"
"Why aren't you?" Kanan asked.
"I asked you first."
"I asked you second."
"Exactly, now tell me why you aren't sleeping" Hera said.
"Okay fine. It's a secret" Kanan said.
"What is it?"
Kanan looked at Hera seriously.
"Ezra likes Sabine. She dosen't know it yet but she'll figure it out."
Hera sighed.
"Not that secret. The other secret."
"I'm Batman!" Kanan said in a deep tone.
"Yeah but Kanan" Hera groaned slapping her forehead.
"What is keeping you from sleeping? What is the secret?"
Kanan blinked.
"Okay fine. I'll tell you but you can't tell Hera." 
Hera felt like slapping him.
"I promise" she said rolling her eyes. 
"Okay. I want to tell Hera how much I love her but I don't know how."
Kanan blinked sleepily, shook his head and continued.
"She's always been there for me and I want her to know how much I appreciate that."
"Okay. Well, a simple kiss might do it" Hera told him.
"Hmm. Good advice Master Yoda. I'll think about it" Kanan said.
He suddenly toppled forward and bashed his face on to the Dejark table.
Hera cringed.
'He's lost it' she told herself. 
His head suddenly snapped up.
"Do you know what it's like to die?" He asked brightly.
"Uh no?"
"Why not?"
"Because I've never died" Hera answered.
"Well I have. But I was brought back to life the most amazing Twe'lik in the universe. Her eyes are like gentle emeralds and she understands me. Hera Syndulla is amazing."
Hera blushed at that.
"And she has the most adorable laugh. It happens when I tickle her, like this."
Kanan gently tickled Hera's belly. 
She gave a squeal and slapped his hands away.
"Yeah! Just like that" Kanan nodded.
Hera put her face in her hands.
"Kanan, what the kriff is wrong with you tonight?"
"I'm Batman."
This time, Hera really did slap him.
He sat in his chair, staring at Hera.
Putting a hand across his eyes then taking it away, he studied Hera.
"Hera?" He asked.
Kanan's eyes widened before he put his head in his hands.
"Oh kriff, son of a Karabast, I'm such a dipstick" he groaned.
"Kanan?" Hera asked.
He looked up at her.
"I said it didn't I?"
"You said many things that will probably haunt me for the rest of my life" Hera admitted.
"Did I say a secret?"
"You said you were Batman" Hera replied with a grin.
"I said what now?" Kanan asked with a very confused look.
"You told me you were Batman about two or three times" Hera shrugged.
Kanan slapped himself in the face.
"I'm such a weird person" he muttered.
"Yeah. You thought I was Master Yoda" Hera smiled.
"Uh huh. You also admitted you loved me."
"I knew it" Kanan sighed running a hand through his hair.
"Hey. I thought it was cute" Hera said putting a hand on his knee.
"Cute?" Kanan repeated.
"Yeah, just like your laugh" Hera smiled poking his side.
Kanan squeaked and was continusely poked in his stomach and midsections by the mischievous Twe'lik.
He hit the side of the couch. With nowhere to go, he was corrnered.
Hera giggled and pinned him to the couch.
She tickled him without mercy making him squeal when she hit particular sweet spots on his torso.
Hera pulled his shirt up and blew a raspberry on his belly.
Kanan gave a yelp and laughed harder.
"Herhahahaha! Dohohont!" He pleaded.
Hera stopped doing the crazy tickling and​ settled to gentle affectionate tickles around his midsections. 
Kanan was giggling in Hera's grip.
He finally managed to take hold of her hands making her fall on to his chest.
Instead of getting up, she cuddled closer.
"I love you my ticklish Jedi" she whispered.
"I love you too my mischievous Twe'lik" Kanan smiled kissing her.
He wralled his arms around her and the two lovers fell asleep.

The reports lay forgotten on the Dejark table. 

Hopefully this was funny. I was laughing while I was writing this. I understand if you thought it was weird. I aimed this to be only 300-400 words, turned out to be 873 words. 
Suggestions are open.

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲 

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