Broken and Bloody

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I copied this off my Tumblr account that I haven't used in ages. I wrote this quite a while ago so I apologize if you think it's bad.

Ezra groaned as he managed to lift his head off the ground. This was the fifth time he had fallen unconscious. Ezra had seen a large cavern, and his curiosity got the better if him. He was hungry, thirsty, exhausted and in pain. 
His entire lower half was pinned down by a huge boulder. He couldn’t prevent it, it just fell from the wall and landed on top of Ezra.
Covered in cuts and bruises with a broken leg, Ezra grimaced with pain when he tried to move. His com was destroyed from the large rock and he hasn’t told anyone where he was going. He had snuck off the ship at the first chance he had. The others were driving him insane. Kanan’s lectures, Zeb’s teasing, Chopper’s shocking, Sabine’s sarcasm and Hera? She wasn’t really on his bad side. She didn’t do anything to bother him, and he knew she must be tearing her Lekkus out with worry. He had been down in the cave for twelve hours at least.

Kanan paced the lounge room with worry. Sabine, Zeb, Chopper and Hera were there too, except sitting. Kanan knew the were watching him, but he really couldn’t care less at the moment. 

“Kanan” Hera said as he turned for another lap.

“Can’t you look for him with the Force?”

Kanan froze and clapped a hand to his for head. How dumb was he? Why didn’t he think of that before?
Annoyed at at himself for not thinking of it sooner, he closed his eyes and reached out with the Force. Trying to find his lost Padawan.

Ezra sniffed. He had cried for a few minutes. He was terrified. His friends didn’t know where he was and he had no way to contact them. Even if he lifted the boulder he wouldn’t be able to walk. Than and again, it would be incredible if he managed to lift it at all with the little strength he had. Suddenly he felt the Force wash over him in a strong way. He realised that it was Kanan, he was searching for him! Ezra quickly let his emotions free for Kanan to track him.

Kanan’s eyes snapped open.
“I know where he is" he said before running to the cargo hold for his speeder.

Hera, Zeb and Sabine took after him.

Ezra woke to a thud on the ground and his name being spoken. He looked up to see Kanan’s concerned eyes looking down on him.

“Hey Master” Ezra said weakly. 

“What…what happened?” Kanan asked crouching down and putting a hand on Ezra’s shoulder.

“Kanan, I’m trapped under a huge boulder with a broken leg, and you want to know what happened?” Ezra asked a grin tugging at his lips.

Kanan sighed with a soft smile.

“Hera! Sabine! Stay with the kid, Zeb, help me get the blimmen boulder off his legs.”

The pilot and Mandalorin was by Ezra’s side in seconds. Hera ran her hand through Ezra’s hair while Sabine gently massaged his aching shoulders. Kanan and Zeb lifted the boulder with all of their strength. A cry of pain escaped Ezra’s lips when the pressure came off his legs. Sabine and Hera pulled Ezra out which earned another yelp. The two girls hearts twisted with sympathy for the teen. Ezra struggled to maintain consciousness as Hera whispered words to him in her native tongue. It was such a nice feeling and sound. She ran her fingers along his face and muttered to him in a comforting way.
Giving in, Ezra closed his eyes and passed out.

“Still no sign of waking?” Hera asked going over to Kanan.


Ezra was lying in Kanan’s bed. Kanan never left his side at all. Hours had passed since they found Ezra in the cave and his Padawan still showed no sign of life. The only way they knew he was alive was the rise and fall of his chest. It was past midnight and Kanan hadn’t slept. He was extremely tired but the worry for Ezra kept him awake. 

“Listen to me love, I know your worried for Ezra, but you have to rest, one way or another.”

“How can I when he’s like this? Hera, I think of him as a son!”

“And I see you as a father.”

The two adults looked down at Ezra with shock. His eyes were still closed but he had a small smile on his face. Bleakly, he opened his eyelids. Hera and Kanan sighed with relief. 

“What happened?” Ezra asked.

“Ezra, your injured, in my bed, and you want to know what happened?” Kanan asked with a grin.

“Hey! That’s my line!” Ezra said retorted remembering what he said in the cave.

“Well, he seems fine” Kanan addressed Hera with a smile.

“If he can argue, I agree” Hera laughed.

Ezra snuggled deeper into the blanket.

“If you two don’t mind, I’m going back to sleep” he said.
Kanan smiled and shook his head.

“Rest Padawan, com us if you need us.”

“But my com broke in the cave” Ezra began but saw a new one on the table beside the bed.

“Thanks” he said shutting his eyes.

Hera and Kanan smiled at one another before leaving the room.

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