I thought I'd lost you

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This part is dedicated to Offic_Ahsoka_Tano

"Ahsoka. Where are you?" Anakin said into his com.

"I'm nearly done placing the bombs Master. I'll be out soon" Ahsoka replied.

"You'd better be snips. I destroyed the generator so it's bound to explode soon. You need to get out of there before that happens."

Anakin, Ahsoka and Obi Wan were on a mission to destroy a new Sepratist weapon. So far, Anakin was the only one who'd made it out from the factory. He was still waiting for Obi Wan and Ahsoka.

"Don't worry Skyguy. I'll only be a couple of seconds" Ahsoka said.

"Hurry up."

Ankain cut the connection just as Obi Wan approached him.

"I've done my part. Where's Ahsoka?" He asked.

"Still planting the charges. She said she'll only be..."

"Master? Master come in!"

Anakin looked down at his com and pressed transmit.

"Snips? What's going on?" He asked.

"I've got droids everywhere! I don't think I'll make it out in time."

Anakin felt his stomach drop.

"But I took out all the ones.."

"In your sector. Mine is quite far from the generator."

"Speaking of the generator, I can see an explosion forming from here" Obi Wan said.

"Hurry up Ahsoka" Anakin told his Padawan. 

He was met with a static.

"Snips? Ahsoka? Padawan? Ahsoka can you hear me?" Anakin tapped his com, trying to get the signal.

Suddenly, a tremendous explosion erupted from the factory. Another followed from the sector Ahsoka was in.

"AHSOKA!" Anakin yelled trying to run to the bomb site but Obi Wan held him back.

"Anakin! Stop!" He tried to tell his apprentice but Ankain wouldn't listen.

"Ahsoka's stronger than anyone else I know! She has to be alive in there! She's probably buried under rubble! We have to help her!" 


The Jedi froze. Obi Wan's tone was firm but full of emotion. Glancing over, Ankain was shocked to see his Master looking like he'd collapse at any second.

"She's gone."

Those two words. They were the brutal truth. They sunk into Anakin like knives and the Jedi exhaled. Obi Wan let go of his apprentice who sank to his knees.
She's gone
Anakin didn't want to believe it. It couldn't be true. But he doubted even Yoda couldn't survive an explosion like that. Anakin punched​ the ground with his robotic hand, making a small crater. He felt tears starting to prick his eyes and didn't wipe them away.


The Jedi's head snapped up.

"D-Did you hear that?" He asked Obi Wan.

"Hear what?"

"T-That voice. I heard Ahsoka."

Obi Wan sighed.

"Anakin. I know accepting a death is difficult, but..."

"Shush" Anakin told his
Cupping his mouth, Anakin gazed upon the factory.

"Ahsoka!" He yelled.

There was no reply then Anakin heard a ship. Looking up, he gasped. Anakin's yellow, Jedi Star Fighter landed on the cliff and the hatch opened. Out stepped a black marked, shaking Togruta.

"Thanks for the save R2" Ahsoka said and R2-D2, who was sitting in the droid compartment whistled.


The young Jedi gasped when Anakin flung his arms around her.

"I thought I lost you."

Ahsoka blinked before hesitatantly putting her own arms around Anakin.

"Master, I'm fine. R2 saved me by the skin of my teeth. He flew in before the bombs detonated and I jumped into the ship."

Anakin looked up at the droid and mouthed a thank you. He rubbed Ahsoka's back in which the Togruta hissed in pain.

"Watch the burns. I didn't get out of there unscathed" she told Anakin as he pulled away.

"Sorry" the Jedi apologised.

After Obi Wan embraced the Padawan, Anakin and Ahsoka called their droids to bring their ships.

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