Missing You

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No ships, pure fluff

Enjoy 😊

Something was wrong.

Obi Wan Kenobi knew it the second he got off the transport shuttle.
Anakin and Ahsoka were nowhere to be seen.

"They've probably been delayed" he told himself stepping off the ramp. "No need to worry, timing isn't either of their strong suits."

But he was worried. They'd both been upset when he said he had to go, complaining that he'd been going away far too much.
(And Obi Wan had to admit that he had been traveling for awhile.)

They'd seen him off, Anakin still been grumbling that Obi Wan had to leave. Ahsoka had hugged him tight, stating that if he didn't return soon, she'd personally fly out to get him.
So with all that drama before hand, shouldn't that mean that the two of them would be waiting at the landing bay?

Obi Wan opened a transmission line to his pupil, his anxiety beginning to get the better of him as it connected. Yet after a minute of waiting, there was no response.

Obi Wan scanned the dock again, but the two trouble makers weren't there.

"Honestly" the Jedi Master huffed, "they throw a tantrum when I leave and don't even greet me when I return, unbelievable."

Obi Wan knocked twice on the hotel door. "Anakin? Ahsoka? I'm back!"

Nothing answered.

He hit the door again, a little louder. "Anakin?"

Still nothing.

Obi Wan entered the room, briefly noticing the door was unlocked. "Anakin? Ahsoka? You two here?"

With still no reply, (Obi Wan was starting to get sick of the silence) he ventured into the room.  He headed for the bedrooms first that were strangely empty.

'Did they leave?' Obi Wan thought.

His heart rate suddenly picked up when he remembered that the door was unlocked, they would've locked it if they did go out. Unless...

Gritting his teeth, Obi Wan grabbed his thought of the two being abducted, slammed it into a box and threw it into the deepest corner of his mind.
He hadn't looked through the whole place yet, he shouldn't jump to conclusions.

His pace matched his heart beat as he quickly looked through ever room in the hotel room. The last place being the living room. Stepping in through the doorway, his eyes swept over the space.

The couch had it's back to him, and peeking over the edge was a pair of headtails and a mop of brown hair. Relief flooded Obi Wan, strong enough to almost make him slump over.

The Jedi Master approached the furniture and when he stood at the arm, his heart melted.

The two Padawans were passed out, a blanket covering their legs and the credits of a movie frozen on the screen. An empty bowl of popcorn sat on the table, two glasses with drink residue on either side of it.

Anakin's head rested on the back of the couch, his mouth half open and snoring softly. Ahsoka was resting her head on her Master's shoulder, legs pulled up at her side.

Obi Wan rolled his eyes at the youths, pinching the bridge of his nose with a sigh. They were gonna be the death of him one day.

Carefully, he pulled the blanket higher so it covered them both. Running a hand over Ahsoka's headtails and the other through his pupil's hair, Obi Wan started clearing the mess the two had made.

"I'll start dinner I guess" he said to himself, stacking the dishes and moving to the kitchen. "Since the both of you are practically out cold."

He was almost out the door when a soft mumble made him freeze.
"Welcome home dad."

Obi Wan looked over his shoulder at Anakin who was gazing at him with half lidded eyes, a soft smile on his face. He clearly wasn't all there, his eyes slightly glazed.

Obi Wan smiled back, "thank you Anakin, rest."

The young man did what he was told, easily falling back to sleep. Obi Wan waited a moment before continuing to the kitchen, making a soft noise of happiness as he set down the dishes. It wasn't likely Anakin would remember calling him 'dad', but that was okay.
He had the memory, and that was enough for him.

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