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Rain drummed on the roof of the Ghost, beating the metal with all it's might. Lightning flashed and thunder growled darkly as the storm dragged on. No one saw the storm coming, it just sprung upon them. At first it was just a drizzle of rain, then it became heavier by the second. Now, it sounded like Rancors were jumping up and down on the ceiling.
Ezra flinched for the hundredth time when thunder rumbled above him. He curled deeper into his blanket, seeking comfort from the soft folds but it didn't work. He'd been awake ever since the storm started and knew there was no chance he'd be able to fall asleep if this kept up. The noise was unsettling and what made it worse was that Ezra was scared. He'd always had a childhood fear of storms and that was always a problem.
When the lightning cracked Ezra jumped, sighing in annoyance and fear after he settled down. No way he was drifting off in this weather. Giving up on sleep, Ezra kicked off his blanket and threw his legs over the side of his bunk. Silently dropping to the floor, he opened his door and walked down the corridor. Occasionly flinching at the rumbles of thunder above. He went into the cockpit and froze when he saw Hera sitting at the controls. She looked round in surprise, hand reaching for her blaster then realized who it was.

"Ezra" she said.

"What in all the galaxy are you doing up so late?"

"Oh s-sorry Hera" Ezra stuttered.

"I didn't know anyone was in here, I'll go..."

"Hang on" Hera raised a hand to stop him mid-sentence.

"What are you doing up in the first place?"

"It doesn't matter" Ezra replied stepping back towards the door.

"It must matter if it's keeping you up this late" Hera replied.

"Don't worry about it, I can handle it" Ezra said hurriedly, not wanting Hera to know about his fear.

He would rather no one knew about this, he didn't want to be pitied by the crew. He made for the door when a gentle hand on his forearm made him freeze. He looked up at Hera who was gazing down on him in concern.

"Ezra" she said softly.

"It's okay, you can tell me."

Just then, a rather loud rumble of thunder and flash of lightning made Ezra flinch quite noticeably. Hera understood immediately.

"Are you afraid of the storm?" She asked gently.

Ezra looked away, crossing his arms, but nodded. A few moments passed before Hera lightly took Ezra's shoulders. She led him to the control panel and Ezra sat in the co pilots chair. Hera seated herself in her own chair and gazed at Ezra. The boy looked anywhere but at Hera, not wanting to see the judgment in her eyes. A hand rested on Ezra's knee, making his eyes look straight at Hera. He was surprised to see concern and understanding in her emerald pupils.

"It's okay to be afraid of storms Ezra" she said gently.

"I was afraid of them when I was younger, my mother would tell me the storm couldn't hurt me as long I didn't bother the storm."

Ezra looked at his feet at the mention of Hera's mother. His heart stung for his own mother, wishing she could be there.

"The thing is Ezra," Hera slipped her fingers underneath Ezra's chin and lifted his face to look into his eyes.

"It's alright to be scared. It isn't something you should keep to yourself. It's alright to seek comfort."

Ezra hesitated before swallowing and pulling away from Hera.

"When...when I was younger, my parents would comfort me whenever there was a storm. They'd say they'd always be there for me when I needed them, whenever I needed comfort."

Ezra paused, taking in a breath before continuing.

"When I was living on the streets, no one cared. Every storm that occured I was terrified of, either big or small, I always got scared. I couldn't help it, it's just a natural fear that I can't control."

Ezra brushed away the tears that had gathered in his eyes with the back of his hand. He hated feeling this way, so weak and timid. So afraid.


Ezra looked up to see Hera offering him her hand. He hesitated before taking it and standing. Hera gently pulled Ezra towards her and took him into her arms. She carefully pulled him onto her lap where she combed her fingers through his hair.

"You're not alone anymore. There's people on this ship who care about you. If you need comfort or reassurance, you can come to me or Kanan or anyone at any time okay?" She said softly.

Ezra thought it over before nodding, cuddling closer to the Twe'lik. A soft smile on his face as he curled up. Hera readjusted her grip so that she was cradling Ezra like a baby. She rubbed her thumb around Ezra's cheek in a circular motion making him smile. His eyes began to close as Hera began humming a soft melody, rocking him slightly. After a few moments, Ezra relaxed entirely, his breathing evening out.

"Sleep well Ezra" Hera whispered, kissing his forehead.

Okay, I kriffing love this piece of writing. Really hope this happens in Season 4 of Rebels.
Suggestions are open and appreciated.

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐉

Star Wars MomentsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora