Enter Teen Titans

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The Titans had received an anonymous tip about a nearby facility that was doing unlawful experiments on a metahuman. Now, normally, they would leave this to the Justice League, but Robin (and surprisingly Beastboy) insisted that they take this mission when they discovered that the metahuman was only sixteen years old, the same age as Robin.

   "Remember Titans, our main priority is to rescue the metahuman. The Justice League will take care of the agents. Avoid engagement when possible." Robin said to the other four members, his voice serious.

   "And if we cannot avoid battle?" Came the high voice of Starfire behind him. Robin couldn't hold back an almost cruel smirk.

   "Then give 'em hell."


   After what felt like hours of battling nearly identical agents dressed in white, the Titans had finally made it to the only cell they could find in the building. Robin found this strange. After all, the facility was rather large, so why would it only have a single cell? For a moment, the Titans stopped, staring at the door. It stood out from its stark white surroundings, the handle covered in a bright green substance none of them recognised. It was covered in dents, almost as if someone was repeatedly thrown against it. There were several locks, and two keypads. This seemed excessive to the Titans, causing them to grow even more concerned. Raven snapped out of her stupor first, using her magic to break through each of the locks. This caused the others to snap out of their trances, too. Robin took a deep breath, steeling himself for the worst, and opened the door. Nothing could prepare any of the Titans for what they saw.

   The room was dark, the only light coming from the door they had just opened. However, it provided more than enough light to see the horror in front of them. Blood, both new and old, covered the once white room, managing to reach the ceiling in places. The same green substance that was on the door was covering the walls, only it was glowing. It took Robin a moment to find the metahuman they were looking for in the cell. The young superhero couldn't hold back a gasp at the sight of him. He was crouching in the far corner of the room, seeming barely conscious. He looked awful, covered in blood, the glowing green substance, and vomit. Robin couldn't even tell what the original colour of his hair was.

   He heard horrified gasps from behind him, and the sound of one of them gagging. To be honest, Robin felt sick at the sight before him. But above all, he felt sadness for the boy in front of him.

   Robin gestured to his friends behind him, silently telling them to stay put. Slowly, as to not startle the boy, he walked forward. He didn't even react. This concerned Robin. Who knows how long this boy had been there? Was he even coherent? He finally reached the filthy teenager, and slowly crouched down next to him, trying not to get too close for comfort.
   "Can you hear me?" He gave no response, not even flinching at Robin's voice. "Hey, we're going to get you out of here. No one is going to hurt you, okay?" Robin waited patiently for a response, eventually being rewarded by the boy shifting his gaze from the wall beside him. "You're safe now." The only sign that he had heard him was the widening of his eyes. Tears fell from the boy's dulled green eyes.

   "....I-" he choked out, voice hoarse. Robin didn't know if it was from lack of use, or from screaming out. He didn't think he wanted to know. Suddenly, the whites of the boy's eyes showed, and he slumped against the wall. Robin couldn't help but begin to panic slightly.

   He gestured for the other Titans to come forward, trying to keep his panic from being too obvious. Carefully, Robin lifted the boy, trying not to stare at his many injuries. The boy was far too light, and clearly sickly and frail. Robin silently cursed those who had caused this boy such pain. He turned to his team, noticing the silent tears running down Star's face. The others just wore horrified looks, and none could keep their eyes off the boy.

   "We have to get him to the tower." Robin spoke, not bothering to hide the sadness and fear in his voice. "Raven?" The hooded girl nodded, and quickly used her magic to engulf them in her dark powers. They took the shape of a massive bird, phasing through the ceiling.

   When the group reached the tower, they were already in the Medical Ward. Robin slowly walked toward one of the few beds, being careful to not jostle the boy that was still in his arms. He gently lay him on the bed, feeling his team walk up behind him. All of them stared at the scarred boy sadly, hoping that he wasn't beyond help.

A/n: Please tell me what you think in the comments!!!

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