Their Return

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Robin was desperately trying to stay calm. Unsuccessfully, but trying nonetheless. It had only been three days since Cyborg and Danny had gone through the portal, but it was still worrying. And, based on what Raven said, and how much emotion she had shown, Robin felt justified in his worry. Also, there was the fact that they couldn't track Cyborg's communicator. Now, normally, they would assume that the Titan had simply lost it, but Cyborg's was built into his arm, so that was out of the question. When the remaining Titans discovered this, it caused the concern to intensify; even Raven showed it.

So when Beast Boy complained about feeling sick, Robin was both hopeful and concerned. Was it Cyborg and Danny? His answer came moments later when a familiar mass of swirling green, a portal, appeared in the living area. Though, when Robin heard the other Titans run in, he was confused as to why Beast Boy wasn't collapsing as he had before. And why wasn't Raven either? Robin pushed those thoughts away when he saw two shadows begin to appear within the portal.

"Cyborg! Friend Danny!" Starfire cried when the two of them flew though the portal. Well, Danny flew carrying Cyborg. It seemed that Robin wasn't the only to take notice of this change, according to Beast Boy's next words.

"Dudes!" he cried, similarly to Starfire, but his relieved expression soon shifted to confusion. "Uh, Danny? Since when can you fly?" The half-ghost just stared back at Beast Boy blankly, face giving away nothing. It wasn't until a few moments had passed in silence that Robin spoke.

   "He was able to fly before, he simply hasn't since he began staying here." He said, trying avoid upsetting Danny.

"Robin." Came Cyborg's voice from beside Danny. Robin looked up in time to see the green portal, a shade almost identical to Danny's eyes, close. It looked as if the very fiber of reality was sewing itself shut. Tearing his eyes away from the sight, Robin looked to Cyborg. "We need to talk." The older teen said seriously. He nodded his head, nodding in the direction of the door. The two Titans left, hearing Danny sigh at the sheer amount of words being thrown his way from Starfire.

After a few moments of walking in silence, they reached Robin's room. Cyborg stood, leaning against a wall by the door, while Robin opted for the chair at his well organised desk.

"What is it?" Robin asked, knowing that whatever it was that Cyborg had to say must have been important.

"There's a Zone. There's a fucking Zone." The half-metal teen muttered, huffing out a breath. Robin resisted the urge to sigh, and settled further into his chair. This would be a long conversation.


Danny sighed for what felt like the hundredth time in the past few minutes. Seriously, didn't Starfire need to breath between sentences? The Tameranian had been talking nonstop for the past several minutes, and Danny was quickly losing his patience. It didn't help that he was tired from lugging Cyborg around in the Ghost Zone. While being there had helped him regain some of his previous strength, he was still weak, and Cyborg was heavy.

"I'm going to rest." Danny said, cutting Starfire off midsentence. Before any of the remaining Titans could respond, he was already halfway out of the living room door. Making his way down a semi familiar hallway, he quickly walked to the Medic Ward, and to the bed he had claimed as his own. Sitting down on it, he sighed again, though for a very different reason than before.

Before Danny and Cyborg left the Ghost Zone, he and Wulf had spoken for the first time in years. And what Wulf had told him was concerning. According to the ghost, something was happening in the Ghost Zone. He wasn't sure what, but something was definitely wrong. Wulf had said that more portals to the living world were opening across the globe, and they were lasting for far longer than normal. Not only that, but also the energy levels within the Ghost Zone itself were even more unstable than usual, going from all time highs down to almost nothing sporadically. To top it all off, Clockwork had no plans on telling him any of this, and even urged Wulf to keep these occurrences from him.

   His own irritation at Clockwork aside, one thing was certain; something was definitely going on in the Ghost Zone.

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