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   The Titans all stood there, not a word being spoken. Robin's words had shocked all of them, be it because Robin didn't know something, or because he was actually admitting it. And if the boy wonder was at a loss, what hope did the others have?

   "No, friends we must not give up hope." Came the soft voice of Starfire, who had just regained consciousness. She sat up from where Robin had placed her on their large couch, folding her hands on her lap. "Danny is our friend, is he not."

   "Star! You're okay!" Beast Boy cried out, running over to hug the alien.

   "She's right too." Raven said, her arms crossed over her chest.

   "Yeah. Danny's our friend, we can't just give up on him." Cyborg said, putting in his two cents. "Rob, we gotta do something. The kid's been through enough as it is." The others sucked in a breath at this. A new sense of determination filled the Titans, refusing to allow the teen that had managed to worm his way into their hearts to be put through even more pain.


   After a few hours of planning, which led solely to frustration, the Titans were interrupted.

   "Your mission failed." Clockwork stated, much to the irritation of Robin in particular.

   "We're aware." He grit out between clenched teeth. He turned back to the others, hoping to come up with some sort of rescue plan. Thus far, the most helpful Titan by far was Raven. She had discovered that, for some reason, she could sense Danny's emotions (though it was only the barest amount.) Unfortunately, Robin wasn't that lucky.

   "You must go back to retrieve Daniel." The ghost said, sounding more urgent than before. Robin turned back with a raised brow, suspicious as to why Clockwork suddenly sounded almost panicked. "Time is of the essence. " He stated urgently.

   "Why?" Robin asked suspiciously.

   "Yeah, why can't you go yourself." Beat Boy joined in, clearly angry.

   "I cannot interfere. Even coming here is risky." Clockwork uncharacteristically snapped. "Now, you must go back."

   "Why?" Robin repeated, sounding almost angry.

   "I do not think you grasp the gravity of this situation." Clockwork sighed, seeming almost fearful. Before the momentarily young ghost could continue, a blaring alarm went off. In a matter of seconds Robin had gone to the main computer, pulling up the camera feed of a nearby jewelry store.

   "It's Mumbo Jumbo." He said, a plan forming in his mind in moments. "Cyborg, you and the others go and stop him, I'll stay here to continue. You're leader." Robin ordered, receiving a nod from the half metal teen. The others ran (or flew) from the room, going to put the irritating magician behind bars. When they were out of earshot, Robin turned back to the ghost. He had a few questions, and he intended to get answers. "You seem to care about Danny." He observed, narrowing his eyes. "So why was he stuck in that facility for two years? Why didn't you save him, or send that wolf."

   "I- I couldn't" Clockwork answered, seeming ashamed at this. "The GIW discovered a way to repel any ghosts and halfas. That is why Vladimir contacted you and your team." To Clockwork's credit, he seemed genuinely upset about what occurred.

   "And now?" Robin asked. "Why are you so insistent that my team leave so soon? We all want to rescue him from that witch, but I will not put us all in danger." He said.

   "You are putting us all in danger by sitting here." Clockwork said, staring at the boy wonder directly in the eyes (or at least where his eyes would be behind his mask.) "Daniel is far more powerful than you can fathom. When he reaches his full potential, he will surpass anyone who came before him." He said seriously. Robin began to question this, but Clockwork spoke before he could continue. "Daniel is half ghost, as you well know. This means that he draws energy from both planes of existence."

   "Making him more powerful than anyone, or anything from either." Robin finished, completely awestruck. Had Robin really only seen a fraction of his power? Danny was already extremely powerful, could it truly be any greater?

   "Yes. Alpan plans to unlock his full power, and with it destroy the entirety of this dimension. I don't claim to understand her reasoning, but I do know that, should she succeed, both of our dimensions with be utterly destroyed."

   "How do we break her control on Danny" Robin asked urgently.

   "Daniel has two obsessions. One being to retain his humanity, but the larger of the two being to protect those he cares about. Alpan, however, has successfully suppressed this part of his being. If you could weaken that hold, Daniel will be able to break free. He has done so before." Robin chose to ignore Clockwork saying 'you' instead of 'your team.'

   "And if that fails?" Robin asked, thinking Raven's abilities would come into play. He was instead met with a disturbing response.

   "Then may God have mercy on us all."

   A/n: Hi guys! Hope you liked the chapter! I wanted to tell you that I've posted another story!!! It's called "If a Pine Tree Falls in a Forest..." please go read it, and comment what you think!

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