Identity Crisis

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   Robin had been avoiding Danny for the past few days, though he would never admit to it. He was a Titan dammit! But, truth be told, what Starfire said to him made him think far more than he wanted to on the subject. The most timid member of the Titans had gone out of her way to make sure Robin was being kind towards Danny, despite the fact that they only had interacted a handful of times.

   Now, after several days of thought, Robin was finally making his way to the Medic Ward. Danny had yet to make an appearance, but that certainly wasn't anything new. Standing in front of the door, Robin took a deep breath. Finally, he walked in. Robin was used to seeing the half ghost sitting in the bed by the window when he walked in, so the boy wonder was surprised to see his usual spot vacant. Upon further inspection, however, Robin realized that he couldn't see Danny anywhere in the room. Making sure that he really wasn't there, Robin spun on his heel, intending to go straight to the control room of the Tower. Surely the cameras would have caught Danny leaving.

   "Robin?" Came a quiet, inquisitive voice behind him. If Robin hadn't been trained against it for so many years, he probably would have jumped. However, he had been trained, so the only reaction was him turning back towards the Medic Ward. Where, miraculously, Danny now stood by his usual bed.

   "Where the hell were you?" Robin asked, trying to keep the mild panic from his voice. Danny stared for a moment, his face revealing nothing, even to the observant boy wonder.

   "Here." The half ghost responded shortly. Robin stayed silent, waiting for Danny to continue. After a moment, Danny sighed. "I'm a ghost, I can go invisible." Robin practically huffed at the short responses.

   They stood there in silence. Danny stared out of the window with a far off look in his eyes, while Robin observed him. Eventually, much to Robin surprise, Danny spoke.

   "Robin?" He practically muttered turning his gaze to the boy wonder. Robin just raised an eyebrow in question, curious as to what Danny had to ask. "How-" He started, swallowing thickly. Robin saw him take a deep breath, before Danny continued. "How did you find me?" He practically whispered, shocking Robin more than he would ever admit. Of all of things Robin thought Danny would ask him, especially considering what happened when that facility had been brought up, this was probably the last. Apparently, Robin took too long to respond, as Danny continued to speak. "I-I mean, I w-wasn't close by. And the G-" He paused, swallowing. "They would have made sure no one would find me, so how?" Not noticing Danny's slight slip, Robin responded.

   "Someone contacted us at the Tower. It was an anonymous call, so we aren't sure who exactly, but we were able to trace the call to the main building of a company." Robin responded, noticing the wary look on Danny's face. "Dalv, that was the company."


   Danny could hardly breathe. Dalv? There was only one person who could have possibly known where he was, but he was supposed to be on an asteroid hurdling through space. And, for that matter, why did he even care? Danny always (reasonably) thought that after the Nasty Burger explosion, Vlad had lost all interest in him. So why the hell did he call the freaking Teen Titans of all people, to come rescue him? It just didn't make sense. And why didn't he come himself? The questions continued to race through his mind, no signs of an end. And, as Danny was still a reckless teenager, he knew what he had to do in order to find out the answers, as much as he didn't want to.

   "How soon can I get to Wisconsin?" Danny asked, surprising Robin even further.


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