Sanity is a State of Mind

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"Make sure people are ready to evacuate. We aren't sure when the attack is coming so put the city into high alert until further notice." Robin said into the microphone. He'd called the mayor of Jump to inform him of the inevitable fight with Alpan. Even though all Robin wanted to do was help Raven find a way to break Alpan's hold on Danny, the residents of Jump City came first. Saying goodbye, the young teen ended the video call, the large screen going black. With a sigh, he stood. It was about time he checked on Raven's progress. Again. Hopefully she wouldn't blast him back this time.

Knocking on the sorcerous' door, he steeled himself for the dark magic that would likely come his way. But, luckily for Robin's spine, he was called into the room. Instead of the usually tidy room he was used to seeing, Robin was met with a rather messy space. Books were shoved to the fringes of the room, stacked up to waist height. Some of the stacks held variously colored candles burning unnaturally bright. In the center of the room was what appeared to be a magic circle drawn on the floor with chalk. On the edges of the circle were two smaller ones, being connected to one another by tangled lines of white. When Robin looked up he saw Raven sitting on her bed, several old tomes opened in front of her.

"Robin. I've believe I've found a way into Danny's mind." She said, not even looking up. "But I can't do it on my own."

"What? You've entered my mind before?" Robin asked, thinking of when he thought he'd been fighting Slade endlessly.

"Yes," she answered monotonously, "but your mind is far more open, and I have known you for several years. Entering Danny's mind will be far more difficult. It is safe to assume that, not only will his own mental barriers try to block my access, but Alpan's control will hinder me as well. And, I do not know Danny as well as is required."

"So what exactly do you need?" Robin asked anxiously, refusing to admit his fear of failure for their friend. Raven finally looked up from her books.

"You." She said simply. "I need you to come with me into his mind." Robin just stood their for a moment, completely shocked at her answer. He just stood their, sputtering slightly. "You know Danny the best out of all of us, Robin. He will most likely drop his mental barriers instinctually with your spirit there, and we are less likely to meet any resistance from Alpan." After a pause, she continued. "However, should we fail, we will be trapped in Danny's mind, along with his own consciousness."

Robin didn't hesitate.

"How do we get in?"

   In a matter of moments Raven placed Robin in one of the two drawn circles, sitting down in the other one herself.

   "Clear your mind," she ordered, "focus only on Danny. Do not let your mind stray." But Robin barely heard her. He was, as she ordered, focusing solely on Danny. Not Danny Phantom, no. Robin was focusing on Danny Fenton. The dark haired teen who had been so terrified. Who he would calm most nights from night terrors. Robin still sometimes saw that disgusting cage the Guys in White had trapped him in in his mind's eye. He remembered how long it took for Danny to say a single word to them.

   Robin vaguely felt like he was floating, but didn't let his thoughts waver. He was floating higher and higher. Rising faster and faster, until he felt as if he was flying to a place Robin wasn't sure he knew.

   They landed with an audible 'oomph!'

   "Raven? Are you okay?" Robin asked after a moment, taking in the familiar surroundings. The two Titans had fallen into what appeared to be a plain, grass almost gray from god knows what had been done to it. In front of where they lay was a seemingly abandoned building. Bars covered the windows, several bolts decorating the few doors. Robin felt a cold rage grip his heart. This was where they Titans had found Danny. This is where he'd been tortured for years. This was the place that plagued the halfa's nightmares.

   "I'm fine, Robin." Came Raven's unnaturally tight voice. When Robin glanced at the sorceress, he saw a veiled anger in her eyes. "Are you?" She asked, obviously noticing his clenched fists. Robin chose to ignore the question, knowing that was an answer in and of itself. "Danny's consciousness should be in there."

   "Then that's where we're going." Robin bit out, walking up to the front door. When they'd done this at the real facility, Beast Boy had unlocked the door from the inside. This time however, the steel door was unlocked. Upon entering, Robin found he was almost entirely lost.

   "What-?" He sputtered, being cut off by a sigh from Raven.

   "I was afraid this would happen." She muttered. "Danny's mind has manifested what he saw of the GIW's facility," she said, staring at the new twin corridors standing before them, "meaning it likely isn't even close to how the actual building was laid out."

   "Hey, look. The witch actually has a brain." They heard a derisive voice say from behind them. Both Titans whipped around at the unfamiliar voice, taking on defensive positions. That it, until they saw who the voice belonged to.


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