Chapter 1

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Danny's POV:

I stood awkwardly huddled in the corner, my shoulders slumped and my head hanging down, just thinking. Not about anything in particular.
"DANNY!!! OMG!! Have you seen that new guy?! He's hella cute!" Kelli bombarded me, this would've been awkward for any other guy to be so close to a girl. But.. Well I'm not interested in girls.
"What's your point?" I asked.
She rolled her eyes at me, "I'm already planning to hook you up! This guy may be bi!" She squealed.
I looked at her blankly.
"Oh don't give me that look. It would be totally cute! Of coarse I'm not saying I don't want that bad boy in my bed... But... I have my eyes on other guys." She rhymed sweetly.
"Knowing my luck he will probably hate me." I grumbled.
"Or you guys can start dating!" She squealed, piercing my ears.
"Kelli. It's not that I'm not grateful, but please don't shout that out loud. I don't want people in high school to know I'm... Uh..." I started.
Personally I didn't want to say the word 'gay' out loud, especially after the horrible memories of getting beaten up in primary school.
"I'm sorry sugar baby!" She sighed, hugging me.
The funny thing was that Kelli was one of the most popular girls in school, and she hung around with a socially awkward guy like me. Well I was only awkward with people I didn't know.
Kelli and I... Well she was as lonely as I was. Her friends weren't real friends, but she had me and Jack. Our other best friend.
We made an extremely weird trio, me being uncomfortable with most things, her being the bubbly, nice, kind, funny, gorgeous person she was. And Jack who was currently overseas watching a sport game. They were holding team captain sport trials in his place.
"If you show me him, will you leave me alone?" I asked.
She smiled gleefully, "perhaps." Was her only reply as she grabbed my hand and dragged me over to a large group of people.
Many were girls, completely swooning over him.
Kelli pushed and shoved until we were at the front, and dayum.
Did I see what Kelli meant?! He was Hot with a Capitol 'H'. No, she should be all Capitol letters.
By the black school uniform he was wearing he must have been a senior, all cool.
The school I went to bent the rules slightly, going from year 7-Uni.
Quite weird, I didn't care though.
This new guy was an all-out Jock.
He was tall, very tall, ripped muscles under his uniform, his face was angular and pale, revealing his dark scraggy hair on top.
Usually these guys pissed me off, flirting with every person that would come their way, as obvious when he was winking and blowing kisses to the crowd.
As soon as he set eyes on one of the girls; Cara, a man approached from the crowd. He was all muscle and no brain, an uptight personality and a dumb look on his face. Except for now, when that dumb look also held a deep scowl.
"Watcha jus' do to mah gurl?!" He demanded, already balling his fists.
"I sucked her cock." The new kid replied, many mouths hung agape at that comment. Except for a few laughs.
The guy, Lewis I think his name was, reddened in the face. "Watcha just say?!" He argued.
"God, clear your ears out mate. The words I'm saying to you need to go to your brain, if you have one" he added thoughtfully, getting a row of 'ooos' from the growing audience. "Plus it's not as if a face like that could ever get a girl in your bed, except maybe your mother. Or maybe your deceased aunt, twice removed." He contemplated, a smirk widening on his face.
"See Danny! You could totally go for a guy like that!" Kelli hushed in my ear, already fondly looking back to that new kid again.
I still didn't know his name.
"Why you... Punk!" Lewis hissed at him.
"My my my, that is a big word for your vocabulary. 5 gold stars!" The new guy said, a chorus was starting to go around the group: "fight fight fight fight fight"
"I bet you're just a smart mouth idiot who can't fight!" Screamed Lewis.
"I bet this has been the smartest sentence you've ever said in your life. Sure you don't want the gold stars? I could throw in a bouquet of flowers for you and your dearly beloved." He smirked, talking about Lewis' aunt. Again. Or maybe his mother.
"You're gonna die!" He yelled, boldly lunging himself at the new kid who dodged to the side and grabbed his arm, getting him in an arm lock instantly.
"I'd watch what you say to me, or I will snap your arm clean off." The new kid growled at the whimpering Lewis.
What a wimp.
Fortunately no blood was spilled, I don't think...
He jerked Lewis' arm upright, causing a gasp of pain from him before he let go, kicking the pitiful boy right in the ribs with a perfect side kick, sending him hurtling across the hallway.
"Isn't he dreamy?!" Kelli sighed.
"He sure is violent." I replied back evenly.
"And sassy. Oh look! He's coming this way, time to make you're first impression!" She shrieked in my ear, pushing me forward right into the new kid.
I hit him with a thud, shocking my whole body.
"Oh. My. God... I'm so sorry!" I replied, craning my neck slightly to look up at him, blushing furiously.
He looked down at me, blinking twice, "that's fine kid. Stop blushing." He said.
My eyes widened and as a result, I only blushed more.
"Kid, seriously, I know I'm hot, sexy and a demon in bed. But still, you can't be fantasising about me already." He replied, teasing me.
"N-no. It's not! I didn't!! I was pushed and well... I'm so sorry I don't know what to say and I'm going to shut up now bye!" I yelled at him furiously before bolting away, Kelli's screams headed after me.
I ran down the corner and leaned against the wall, panting heavily and forcing the heat to stop rushing to my cheeks. What a jackass, I hate those teasers. He basically had me in irons!
"Danny OMG!! That was perfect. He will totally remember you now! Who knows. You may have classes with him!" Kelli shrieked at me, scuffling my hair like a mother hen. Which she was.
I knew what she meant, all the high schoolers were mixed in the classes, meaning that in each class there were all years from 7-10 mixed together.
So maybe he would've been in my class.
I gulped at the thought, no. That boy is pure trouble, stay away from him!
"Oh. And Danny, you and I will go shopping tonight. After school. Meet me at the bus stop!" Kelli said breezily, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"What? Why?" I asked.
"Because you're getting a make-over. Silly!" She smiled, if I wasn't gay then I would've fallen for Kelli. Hard. Like most guys. She was the perfect person, not only gorgeous in looks, but in personality. She was head cheerleader, with the perfect blonde curls like the evening sunset, luminous green eyes and thick dark eyelashes with little makeup on. She didn't need it. She was already perfect enough.
"No no no no. No! I have refused makeovers before and I will refuse them again. No" I repeated.
She frowned down at me, angry and disappointed, "yes, however, Daniel" I gulped. She only used my full name in serious situations, "today I'm not taking no for an answer. Now, you will meet me at the bus stop, we will have a makeover and you will thank me. The only excuse for getting out of this is if you're dead, and if you're not, you soon will be."

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