Chapter 6

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I was getting really sick and tired of school right now.
Basically nobody recognised me, except for Kelli.
I dressed in skinny dark blue jeans with a black T-shirt, also with a skull logo on it.
"Hi! Are you new here?" Somebody asked me.
"No." I replied, for the 20th time.
"Really? I haven't seen you around before! Hey... Wait..." She started, leaning in closely to me.
"I'm Danny." I replied.
She blinked twice before a look of realisation came on her face, "Oh! I know you." She smiled, giving me a flirtatious wink before adding "You should hang with us sometime. I sit on the oval." The girl replied, I still didn't know her name.
It wasn't my fault, how am I suppose to remember everyone's name when no one could remember my face.
Just because I was going for a totally different look and personality did not mean I was completely different. I think...
Just then I spotted someone, someone who made my stomach churn, with his perfect ruffled hair and gorgeous eyes.
Ugh! NOO! I didn't mean that. Mark is a total jerk!
.... A hot jerk.
"Hey! You! Whatcha doin' standing in the middle of our game?" Someone yelled at me, causing heads to turn. Apparently standing in the middle of the hallways was in an idiots territory.
"W-what?" I asked, turning around to face Lewis.
"I said-"
"Who gives about what you said." Replied a voice from right behind me, before I could turn around I felt a little gravitational force on my head.
I recognised he voice instantly, and the hand. Of coarse is belonged to Mark, why is he always getting himself involved with me?!
To my pleasure I saw Lewis gulp nervously before turning tail and running away, "Yeah. Though so." Mark scoffed with a smirk. "Honestly kid, don't get yourself involved with him, I understand you're new-"
"I'm not a k-kid" I interrupted. Why am I always stuttering around him?! My stuttering has been getting better. Stupid Mark.
"Well you're younger then me- ooh! No wonder you looked familiar. Your name is Danny, right?" Mark asked me, levelling his size with mine, which caused him to bend over slightly.
Damn it his eyes were gorgeous. I could see what everyone mean- no no no. They're ugly! Ugly ugly ugly... I hate him... Okay? Yeah okay.
"Wow. First person to recognise me." I said.
He raised an eyebrow, "That's nice. But now you have to join the soccer team! We need all the hot guys we can get!" He replied, showing himself off to some passer-by girls.
"Hot? You think I'm h-hot?" I stuttered, again, blushing majorly and doing my best to contain it.
"Aww, well yeah. But you're too easy to tease." He said, then getting that evil idea in his head he wrapped his arms around me.
I blushed.
But he was backwards, I mean his stomach was against my back, his arms were wrapped around my neck because I was too small for him, and his face was leaning on my head.
I jumped, attempting to get away.
"Aww... Widdle Danny-Wanny is so cutesy-wootsey!" Mark teased, somehow making me blush a deeper shade of scarlet.
"Stop that! Get off me!" I yelled at the too of my lungs, trying to get out of his head lock.
"Nup, not until you agree to sign up for the trials." He smirked, his face still on my head.
"No." I stopped, standing still.
"Well then good luck getting to class, since I'm not moving until you say you'll go." Mark replied, I could tell he meant it. Seriously I need to get away from him as fast as possible before my cheeks explode.
Many girls were already looking at me enviously, and some guys. Although most were pointing and chuckling, one yelling "Lay off the poor kid, Mark."
Of coarse he ignored him.
"Goddamn it I'll s-sign up for that bloody trial!" I spat, finally getting released by Mark and whirling on him, raising a fist.
"You sure you want to fight me?" He asked.
I hesitated, lowering my hand, "Nah. I might wreck that pretty face of yours, making sure you can't get on the team. Not to mention Kelli would kill me." I added thoughtfully before turning around and walking away, I don't care where. Just away.
"Hmm... I know Kelli. Head cheerleader? Best friend?" He asked.
I nodded, "H-how did you know?" I asked.
"Cuz she wouldn't shut up about you." Mark smiled, before adding, "Oh yeah. Thanks for the compliment about my face being pretty!"
"Justin Beiber is prettier then you!" I insulted hotly, saying the first thing that came to mind. Why did he annoy me so much?!
A shock-mock expression greeted me, "How dearest though say thy Justin is fairer then I!"
I couldn't understand if that was a question or a statement, "Pretty easily." I replied before running away.
"Hey... Danny!" Mark yelled behind me, but I was long gone, trying to avoid him.
Now I had to do god damn soccer with the guy. Tomorrow. UGH I HATE SCHOOL!!

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