Chapter 8

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God damn I was really regretting this already.
Soccer trials were... Well there were the cool dudes, which of course consisted of Mark sassing everybody out, some random people, nerds and... Cheerleaders to the side.
Kelli was in the lead, boosting everybody's morals of getting I to the soccer team.
Naturally Mark was trying to get Team Captain, which involved more overlooking then normal. I had hardly any doubt he would get it, but some of the other guys looked pretty menacing.
"Dan-Dan! You came." Mark greeted me childishly, causing my teeth to clench.
"Well I felt sorry for your useless ass, thinking I had offended you. I can see n-now that I hadn't, so I might as well leave." I curtly said to him, his eyes widening.
"I knew you would come through. Come on, if you try to run away I'll stick my foot so far up your ass it will open a new door to Narnia." Mark growled in my ear, causing me to shiver involuntarily.
He strolled away, I think he was starting to become mean again. Great, now he was treating me how he treats everyone else.
Crap... I don't know which one is better!
The nice-ish Mark, or as nice as he can get, or the mean normal Mark.
I sighed as the coach blew the whistle, "Alright. Lets see what you're made out of!" He grouched.
Kelli have me a reassuring look, motioning a 'thumbs up' signal before I stalked to the rest of the group, all eagerly awaiting the coach's orders.
I stalked over, head down and shoulders slumped.
Naturally Mark was trying out for team captain, I didn't doubt he would get the spot... However those other thugs looked pretty menacing.
We were to play a 'game'. Aka 'death competition'.
The rules were that everyone had 10 lives, the coach would be the goalie and we had to get at least 1 shot in. Well... That coach was really scary. As fit as a fiddle and already battle-hungry.
Personally I just wanted to run now, but the idea of having an open door to Narnia up my butt didn't seem pleasant.
There was a line, obviously I was at the end, with many people pushing and shoving to get in front.
There were the thugs, built well but not good at coming up with strategies.
The power-hungry nerds who probably wanted to impress some popular girl.
Marks group, which I was positive had a pretty clear shot of getting in.
Then there was me, with hardly any fighting chance.
Like I predicted, Mark got in with a very high point. 8/10.
Some of his friends got in, the highest one got was 5/10.
There were scowls and some arguments already breaking out, which was a good thing, since that meant their attention wouldn't be on me.
I crack under pressure, it's not my fault!
To be honest I was really getting edgy when it was my turn, already calculating his weak spots. I remember he had an injury on his left knee, so his I kicked it hard and fast enough, right on the rim of the goal, I should get it in.
Well it was he best chance I had.
The nerd in front of me left, definitely not getting on the team.
The first two shots sucked, as I skimmed the wrong place of the ball, sending it in his strong spot.
I'm trying to get away from his strong points. Away god damn it!
On my eighth one I finally got the gist of it, kicking and scoring a clean goal, then I kicked the ball again, just past his hip. Then seizing the last opportunity and kicking it under his legs.
There was a very long silence, I could hear people muttering about me. The coach came right up, I tried not to cower under his gaze, "That was good. You've been holding out on me, Danny."
"Uh... T-thanks?" I replied, I never really had many compliments being given to me.
Probably because I never went near people.
"Told you he would get in, sir!" Mark smiled, so many god damn people shot me death stares.
"A-are you trying to get me k-killed?!" I retorted, flushing my damn cheeks off.
"Perhaps." He shrugged.
"That's the last time I will ever pity you!" I hissed, getting my broodiness on.
"Aww, you pitied me? How adorable." He teased. Adding a hair flick.
One of the guys retorted him, not in my defence. Probably just because Mark was being annoying.
"Shut up. You're such a girly girl!"
"Oh hell naw! You did nat just say dat to meh! Hold my earrings Shanayhay!" Mark sassed, snapping his fingers for extra affect.
I let loose a slight giggle.
"Cutie." Mark smiled at me and I flushed.
Damn it! I'm such a girl!
Good things; Mark is soccer captain. I got elected strategist, Niall was the goalie, and the rest of the guys were players on the field.
Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all...

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