3 | "Second chance?"

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Arjun pov:

I completed my work by evening. I was tired. I need a good sleep as I couldn't sleep for last two days because of this case. Soon I'll find the culprits. I got into my car and started towards my apartment. I was thinking about My Mom's words.

How can I forget Magha? How can I marry another girl ?Can my heart accept another girl?

Silent tears escaped from my eyes. No, I can't accept any other girl. I don't want to marry anyone. I reached my apartment. This is a place where I had a lot of beautiful memories with Megha. I can't give my heart to any other girl. Soon I changed myself into my shorts and I laid on my bed.

Why did you leave me all alone Megha? My heart beats only for you Megha. even If you are not there.

Soon I drifted into sleep remembering my moments with Megha. Next day as usual I went to my office and started my work. Today I had a press conference and media is waiting for me. They asked me many questions about the case, and I answered few of them. I know this is really a complicated case. The case is about the murder of the minister. Terrorists had attacked and killed him.

I completed my meeting with the press and started to concentrate on my work. Suddenly I heard my phone ringing I saw the caller Id. It was Mr.Shah my head officer. Then I remembered his yesterday's call. I lifted the call and said that I'll be there by evening.

I reached my apartment and quickly changed myself into my favourite white shirt and blue jeans. I packed my luggage finally checked in the mirror and rushed to the airport. I took my boarding pass and started my journey to Mumbai. I really love Mumbai as it was the first place where I met Megha.

Ananya pov:

At last, I was in a flight flying to my country. I was really very excited as I was going to see my dad, my friends, yeah I'm going to meet Karthik and Naina too. I'm happy because I'm going to leave New York forever.


Finally, I landed in Mumbai. I inhaled the scent of my country after a long time. I came out of the airport I saw my driver waiting for me. I smiled at him and sat in the car.

While he was driving, I asked about my father. He said that he went to Singapore for a deal. I know very well about my dad that he doesn't care about me. He doesn't even find some time to call me once in a week. He is such a money minded. I came out of my senses when the car suddenly stopped at my home.

A silent smile appeared on my face. I love this place because it had many memories. This place shared my happiness, sadness, my fights with dad, Rahul, everything. I entered straight into my bedroom it was looking the same with my favourite color, paintings and many photographs with Rahul, Aunty and Uncle.

Soon I changed myself into my nightwear. I had the food prepared by cook. I was really tired because of journey. Before going to sleep I messaged Naina that I reached India.

Next morning, I had my breakfast, and I took my phone and dialed to Rahul. I know he will be angry with me for avoiding him for 3 months. But I can't wait. I should talk to him at any cost. I called him. I heard a male voice saying Hello. A smile appeared on my face after hearing my Rahul voice after a long time.

I tried to speak but I can't. Finally, I called his name.

Arjun pov:

Finally, I reached Mumbai by 6:00PM. I went to a hotel and booked a room. I went to my room and laid on the bed. I took my phone and dialed to Mr. Shah's number. He lifted the call and greeted me.

"Hello Sir, I'm in Mumbai", I said to him.

"That's great Arjun, then where are you now?", he asked me.

"I'm in a hotel sir", I replied.

"Arjun why don't you stay with us? You are like my son? Please come to my home Arjun.", he asked.

"Thank you, sir for treating as your son but this place is really comfortable to me", I replied.

" Please join us for dinner tonight, I will be waiting for you, and I will send driver to pick you from the Hotel", he said.

"Okay sir, I'll definitely come", I said and disconnected the call.

I got ready in 15 minutes and started to his house. Due a heavy traffic it took more than one hour to reach his house. I knocked his door. A lady around 50's opened the door. I told her that I am Arjun.

"Please don't give me your introduction I am not your head", she said smiling and I nodded.

"Come in", she said. I went inside and saw Mr. Shah waiting for me. He smiled at me and wished me good evening by giving a hand shake.

"Good evening, sir", I replied. We sat on the couch and started talking about our duties. Soon his wife called us for dinner. We went to the dining hall and his wife served me food.

"Arjun, how is the food?", she asked me.

"It tastes really good mam", I replied. She smiled at me.

"Please don't call me mam. You can call me aunty you are like my son", she said. I nodded to her. After finishing our dinner Mr. Shah took me to his room. I went to his room and sat beside him.

"Arjun what are your future plans?", he asked shocking me. Why is he sounding like my mother?

"About what?", I asked him.

" About your life man", he replied. I smiled at him without giving any reply.

"Why are you smiling? Am I playing a joke?", he asked me.

"I'm sorry sir", I said in a low voice.

"I want to ask you a question? Will you answer me?", he asked.

"I will", I replied.

"When will you marry?", he asked shocking me. Here comes the bomb.

"Sir, I don't want to marry anyone. I can't love any other girl because my heart and soul are already dedicated to Megha. So, it's better to stop this conversation.", I said.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you, but I want you to move on and start a new life.", he said with a smile.

"Give a second chance to your life Arjun this time you will definitely find a long-lasting true love", he said. God, I just want to leave this place as I didn't like this conversation. I looked at my watch and saw that the time was almost 10:00 PM.

"Mr. Shah, I need to go. let's meet tomorrow", I said to him and stood up from the couch.

"Arjun think about what I told you now.", he said to me. I smiled at me and nodded my head in yes.

"Mr. Shah I need your car Can I take it?", I said to him.

"You can", he replied.

I went downstairs and told goodbye to aunty and Mr. Shah. I went and opened the car door. I hopped into it and raised the accelerator. I wanted to drive as fast as possible.

How is the Chapter?? 

Are you waiting for Arjun and Ananya's first meeting??

Who is Rahul??I'll reveal this in the next Chapter ....

I'm waiting for your comments guys please do comment,vote and share...

Please encourage me....

Love you all...😘😍


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