Chapter 8

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I'm sitting with Abby on the back seats of the taxi that drive us on the party. We're currently on our way to pick up Matt. We couldn't snub him and he insisted on going with us. I know that this won't end up well. He won't understand it, when he sees it......   I have thousands different pictures of reactions but actually I have no idea how he'll react.

We stop in front of his house and wait for him to sit opposite us. „Wau." He sighs at the look of us.

Abby's wearing black hosiery and red high-waisted shorts, which hardly cover half of her butt. Black top with long sleeves and high-heels. I'm dressed a bit more. Basic high-waisted shorts that are denim and on the top I'm wearing burgundy bralette which has long off-shoulders sleeves and I have my most favourite shoes on – white converse. 

So this was pretty much description of two bitches, but you need to understand that anything else would be off the normal. 

I start, „Now please, listen to me. Drink only what I or Abby give you. Don't eat any cakes or candy. Nothing that someone else gives you. Don't play any games or bets. Don't go far away from us. And don't get tempted. Got it?"

„Jesus. Calm down. I can take care of myself. What are you even talking about?" Taxi stops so I don't have to answer. We get off in a dark street and around us is just darkness and silence. As always. I find the familiar iron door by memory and open it. There is a long narrow hall, lits red and on its end, a huge siluette of man. Even for me – after all this time – it looks a bit scary.

„You'll see." I answer Matt with slight smile. Abby walks in first and Matt and I follow. Abby greets with that man on the end and when we reach I throw myself around him as well.

„Emily, honey. I haven't seen you in so long." He pulls out so he sees me. Chuck is over forty and with amazing ability of understanding. I can't understand why he does this nightly job, when he has another good work and family at home. But he always just answers that he checks if his children don't show up here.

„I know. I've missed you. But I'm here tonight."

„I see. And you also bring some new company." He nods his head at Matt.

„Yes. This is Matt – new classmate. Matt, this is Chuck – he is a bodyguard here." They greet by nodding their heads and Chuck opens the door.

„Welcome in mines." I wink at Matt and then enter.

First, we appear in a huge salle. There's a darkness but lights on the ceiling light it up in different colours. Big speakers play so loud music that I feel like my ear drums are going to explode in every moment. At the sides of the salle are booths – with leather tables and couches. And in every one, there're people that either play poker, cards and other games or they drink, smoke or snort cocaine. I can hardly see through the thick smoke from cigarretes and joints. In the middle, there's a dancing floor and girls that are dancing. Or more likely doing a striptease in the underwear. DJ's is screaming at an uphilled spot. It's full in here. While we're heading to the opposite side of the room and to the second one we have to walk by sweat and drunk bodies of teenagers. On the table, that we're passing by right now, lays a huge piece of crystal – meth as I suppose and a girl, in thong and two stickers across her nipples, next to it. She has many lines of crushed meth, ready to snort, on different palces on her body. Seven boys are grouped around her. From Easton, I guess. One sights me, reaches for my wrist and pulls me closer.

„Hey!" I shout through the music and try to pull out my hand. Yet he has tight grip and smarmy grin on his face. Suddenly, another hand bangs to his and Matt pulls me aside.

„You touch her one more time..." He says in a deep and quiet voice – but loud enough so the boy can hear him. The boy murmurs something but he doesn't nag anymore. We start walking and I realize that we are still holding hands. His touch sends vibrations to my whole body and I just can't let his hand.

„Thanks." I add and then we walk to the second salle.

This one shines in dim red light and a bit quieter music plays in here. At the sides are couches full of men and dancing women in front of them. Most of the women are in my age. And in the back side of the room there're tables heavy with bank notes and guys playing various card games.

Being here – in the mines – is every time indescribable. It gives you heavy feeling. Like it swallows you. You forget about time and other things. You see only alcohol, drugs and sex. You can never take a deep breath, sort your thoughts out or see clearly. You can't make up your mind because all you feel is just greed. People become someone else here. It's sad. Seeing so young girls with garter stockings and white powder uder nose.

I have enough of this so we turn to a small hall and to the last room. My most favourite. Lights on the ceiling shine in dim light colour. Great music plays on the side where dancing floor is. But on the other sides of the room, the music is quiet. There're the same tables and couches, but different people sitting behind them. People, that I know, I like and that are like my family. First I sight Lili. With her ginger hair, and also other girls behind her.They are all here.

„Abby! And Emily!" Amy screams and then we greet in huge hugs.

„And who is this new sexy guy?" Wendy asks so I introduce Matt. Then I come to the others.

„Jesus, girl. Where have you been in so long?" Andrew hugs me. He's smiling from ear to ear and tucks his long hair. He likes boy as well, so we understand each other really well. We need to talk about so many things but suddenly, our song starts and DJ -  respective Tom, speaks up.

„I think that everyone is here now." He winks at me. „So let's start!" He shouts and boosts the song. Lili and Amy jump at once and then drag me and Abby to the parquet, leaving Matt behind. But I don't think about it anymore. I start enjoying it. We dance and laugh and sing to the bottom of our lungs.

After a few more song we are all exhausted so we go to sit. Boys already sit around the tables and Matt among them. I look up at him and with smile he shakes his head.

„I think I'm weirdly sober." Abby says.

„So we need to fix it."  I say and stand up to bring us something to drink. I come to the bar and choose vodka with redbulls and fernet with tonic water. I set up glasses to make the drinks. With fluent moves – that I've learnt by all the years – I open Fernet, throw it from hand to hand and dab with elbow. In one twist I pour the same amount without a wasted drop.

„Nice trick." Says Matt as he reaches me. I look at him with slight concern. I don't know what he thinks about all of this or about me. But I can see just amusement in his eyes and a grin on his face. So I smile back and answer.

„Years of practise."

„I see." He looks around.

I have all of the drinks ready. I know that we'll need to talk but now is not the time so I go back to our tables.

After another two hours we have more shots drunk. We've talked the last months and laughed. In one moment I almost cried from laughing. Now I dance with Abby and Andrew who starts twerking so we join. One song changes other. We dance, hands above heads. I feel great, I don't care and just move. Matt suddenly steps behind me, cathes my waist and whispers in my ear, „Dance with me." Shiver runs down my spine.

I catch his arms, he steps closer. I turn to face him and then lay my hands on his shoulders. They're strong and I feel muscles under my hands. I can't help but move my hands a bit lower to his chest and then back to arms. When I look to his eyes I'am like freezed. I can't move. And then song changing saves me. I love this one and I hear Abby screaming so we both start jumping and singing.

We continue till early morning. My parents've gone to some workshop on the weekend so I have empty house. Abby is of course staying at me, her parents wouldn't be pleased to see her like this. Taxi's just taking us home and I think if Matt can go home like this. Or will he have troubles? And before my brain can work I hear myself saying, „Matt...Can you come back home like this? If not, you can stay at us. My parents are gone for the whole weekend."

„All right." We stop before my house and all three get off.


I hope you guys enjoy my story :)

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