Chapter 11

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On Sunday, Abby visits me even against my will. She heard in my voice that something's wrong so it was impossible to resist her. She knows me better than I do. Both of my parents are at home so we locked ourselves in my room.

„So spill it out." She doesn't waste a second.

„There is nothing to spill out. I was with Matt yesterday and it didn't end up well."

„He found out something?" She asks quietly. Even after all this time, I feel how panic takes over.

„No!....Nothing like that.....It's about me. Although it was nothing new."

„I don't understand you. And I hate it. So start talking, now." She says impatiently. I know that there's no chance in hidding anything from her so I tell her at least half-truth.

„I went to Matts yesterday. His brothers came as well and they were quite surprised. Matt's girlfriends usually disappear before sunrise." I try to quote them.

At first, Abby looks confused but then it changes to understanding and pity. She frowns and asks, „Did anything else happen?"

I am really good at lying. I do it all the time. But not before Abby – it never works with her. My expression probably says enough because she takes a hard breath. „You kissed again?!" It's more of a straight statement than a question.

„Well, not quite that." Another half-truth. I don't know if I have it written on my face but Abby suddenly covers her mouth in a complete shock.

„You slept with him."

„Look. I don't even know how it happened. But I couldn't stop it and then I met his brothers. And....I hate myself and I don't know what to do now." I blurt everything out because I know that Abby would never ever judge me.

„Come on. You know that we can always think of something. And in the worst case, we can still bury him in the backyard. I don't have a problem with that if you want." I laugh and she joins. „But now for real, I don't know what you're feeling towards him and honestly, I think that even you don't know it. And I also know what type of a guy he is, and you know it too. But you still..."

„He is like every other guy. But that isn't the worst thing. The worst thing is that I became one of them."

„That is not true. Not at all. Do you really think that I'd let you become like one of our school bitches?"

„No, I don't." I smile.

„Now it'll be the best if you just let it be. Don't bother with it. And if he has really changed, he'll prove it and then it's up to you what you'll do."

„I guess you are right. But still, I can't go to school tomorrow."

„All right. So I'll check out the environment."

Matt's  P.O.V.

„You idiots!" I screamed at my brothers when Em had left and then I went back into my room. I need to fix it and quickly. I know what she has to think about me right now.

For the rest of the weekend I have to keep myself, really strongly, from calling her or even going to see her. I repeat every second of Saturday evening, for over millions of times in my head. Once I regret it and once I am grateful about it. But I know for sure that I wouldn't change any second.

I imagine thousand different reactions in my head on Monday morning. But I know that none of them is right, since she always behaves so unpredictable. I head straight to her locker but I find only Abby standing there. „Hi, where si Emily?"

Bad girl / MisunderstoodWhere stories live. Discover now