Chapter 17

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After the fourt class I'm going to a lunch with Abby. I ask her what's new and she starts telling me everything when she stops and says by the way, „I was in a movie with Brandon yesterday."

„Really? I can't believe, that's so amazing. How was it?" I'm so happy for her.

„It was cool. I mean, he is nice and everything... and I think... I think he likes me."
„Of course he likes you. I told you like month before, it was so obvious."

„Yeah, but this time was different, like he told me."

„And what about you?"

„I don't know... you know how I always end up. I can't find one normal guy. And I was telling myself that I'd be like you. That I won't go through another break up, I won't be disappointed anymore."

„No, no Abby. Honey look, the thing about true love is, that even of we don't belive in it, deep down we know it exists. So we are trying to find it because we feel that it'll be the most beautiful thing in the world. Everyone deserves to feel it, especially you. So you can't give up just because you haven't found the right guy yet. I'm not sayin that Brandon is the right one, neither me or you know it. And I want to protect you but don't give up just because you are afraid, go slowly and you will see, honey."

She hugs me tightly and says, „I love you. But I don't like that you always know what to say." I laugh but that smile disappears when we enter the school canteen.

There is Matt and Brandon already sitting around our table with some other guys but they seem to be distracted.

„Abby, I need you to help me." I whisper as we go for our lunches and then head to our seats. „I can't explain it to you right now but I need Matt to think that I slept with somebody last night." She turns and looks at me surprised.
„Will you help me?"

„I don't know what that morom done, but I'm sure he deserves it. I got your back." We've already reached them so I don't have time to explaint further my plan, not that I'd have some.

We talk about our math teacher with Brandon for a while and I notice that Matt is surprisingly quite, as he waits for my reaction. I see how Abby blinks and I nod my head for an approval.

She takes her phone, texts something and then gasps, „Emily! You didn't tell me you fucked half of the Easton's last night." I see how Matt drops a fork and I have to say that I didn't expect this either. First thing that comes to my mind is that she is a briliant actress, but then I realize what she's just said. This wasn't my plan exactly. I want Matt to think that maybe there was something yesterday, but not him to be sure that I fucked half of the Easton's. I stab Abby with my gaze and try to save it, if that's even possible now.

„I didn't sleep with half of the Easton's. Where did you get that from?"

„Adam just texted me. Like you enjoyed the last night, why didn't you tell me about it?" She says in an accusing voice that if I don't know she is only acting, I'd feel pretty bad.

„I knew you had another program, beside it isn't really like that." For this whole time I'm successfuly avoiding looking at Matt.

„So how was it?" I get that she probably thinks she's helping me but the opposite is true. I need to get out of this pretty quickly.

„Well, for sure it wasn't the half." It was the first thing that came to my mind and I immediately regrets it as Abby and Brandon laugh. But I and Matt aren't in the mood for laughing as I can tell by the energy between us.

„Did you get home safely at least?

„Yeah, don't worry." I say with a quiet voice. I thought I'd feel better, that I paid him back but the opposite is true and I feel pretty shitty.

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