Chapter 1

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The day I almost killed her was simple.

A lot of things came out of it, but the one thing I remember the most was...was leaving her. I was giving her the best chance even if it meant a broken heart. She didn't deserve this, she didn't need me.

The day we meant was complicated itself. I sat in a dim lit café shop with my laptop staring me back, and a half finished plate of French fries by my side. I was so focused on finishing one of the last history papers I would have to do before summer started that I paid no mind to the time or the echoes of clapping people.

As soon as I hit the last key, I let out a sigh of relief, a breath that reduced all my anxious.

I threw a fry in my mouth, and started chewing it only to be hit with a brick of coldness hitting my teeth with barely any flavor that I decided to leave.

I saved my paper, closed my laptop, and grabbed my stuff. I started to head towards the door when I turn to listen to a phase that stuck with me till this day, 'a tainted love of which I called a friend.'

It wasn't until everything that I finally figured out what it meant to me. But I can tell you this, I wouldn't change a thing.

At that time, those words ran through my mind. The way the poet voice slowly sank with every passing word as if it was the last, really confused me.

I left bothering by what passing as summer here. The fact that it was June and the weather was below 70° really bothered. Summer was supposed to be hot, not feel like spring.

I got into my car, took of my sweater, and started the long drive home that was worth it. As long as I have a place to finish my work, I didn't mind.

When night fell down I could forget a day's worth of meaningless memories that allow my subconscious to live again.

I felt my eyes daze a bit, but I quickly woke up. Regaining control of my car, my eyes tried to set on the street light. They blurred until the only thing I could see were flashing of green, yellow, and red light.

I leaned down to only be jointed up by my own horn. I looked over to my phone, reading the time. "12:32 am."

That's when it happened.

When I looked up, the street light made me focus on the figure in front of me. I instantly hit the break, swerving to the left, and then to the right, trying to balance the car. Yet it was too late, my entire body shifted to a different position every few seconds until my heart felt like it had beaten out of my chest.

As soon as I looked straight up, I panicked.

I hesitated.

Looking through my side mirrors, all I could think of was my record. My perfect record would be ruined, and I'll be a suspect for so many things now.

I ran out the car, slamming the door shut. When I stopped in front of a body, I broke down. I fell to the ground, checking every pulse that I knew existed until a cough brought me back.

She coughed, groaning at the pain that probably went through her head. I picked her up, carrying her as quickly as I could to my car. I opened the back seat, and laid her down, pushing myself to the driver seat.

I drove like a manic.

I drove all the way to the hospital with her constant moans about the pain. I ran out the car and into the hospital calling for any help that I could get.

The nurse a tall man called a few of his co-workers to accompany her. They ran with a white sheet covering a long silver table, with a fluffy pillow onto. They carried her on top of the table, pushing her to an available room, while I follow shortly behind.

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