Chapter 29

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Everything went by so fast, that I woke up in the hospital with both Damien and Kian at her side. They watched anxiously, while the doctor walked in reading the clipboard in his hand.

"Miss Olive." I jumped up.

"There no movement or sense of responding." Damien told the doctor.

"You're right." the doctor pointed out. "She was hit in the head really hard by that paintball."

We told him that paintball took a dark turn and some random guy hit her in the head by mistake. It seemed to work so far making me doubt the doctors degree, since he clearly wasn't that bright believe that. A small lie to cover up what actually happened. And actually worked too.

"She should be fine, there's no major damage to the cerebrum or any part of the brain." he tells us with a fake smile towards Damien. He seemed annoyed by Damien presence and him trying to one up him without realizing it.

As soon as the door closed, Kian  stood up from his seat promptly. "Do you think he believed that?" he asked.

"If he did then he's an idiot." Damien answered.

I nodded crossing my arms against my chest, "That's exactly what I was thinking."

"But will she be okay. You she got shot with an actual gun in the head."

Damien rolled his eyes, "It wasn't technical a real bullet it was rubber. It's not like she's going to die you know right."  Straying away from the conversation as he whispered to himself, "Nothing major."

"Sorry for being worried." Kian added.

"Look, she's not going to die...okay. So if were going to argue, there's the door. She needs peace and quiet, so lets do that."

They both sigh, decing to leave the room. Kian walked up to me, with his hand on her leg, "Tell me as soon as she reponds."

I nodded, watching them walk slowly out the door when I heard a cough.

"Hey..." I kissed her forehead. "Your okay, the doctors say your going to be fine."

She stared at me scared.

"Before you say anything I want to tell you something and it's hard to admit this, but after what just happen. Thinking I've lost you, made it clear. I love you Olive. And it's not just the adrenaline, it's me standing next to you telling you that I want what you want. I want this. "

Again she sat there, her lips,barely open like she was chocking on her words. "Say something." I came out in a whisper.

"I'm sorry..." she pauses. I see her chest moving up and down faster than usual "but I don't remember."

"Like remember what exactly. Like you don't remember me or..." I scoffed.

She tried to move her shoulders up, but it arched and she let go a painful sound.

"I'm sorry." she repeats.

"Its okay. Just relax." I tried to sound concerned and sincere, yet their was something telling me that something was wrong. Like she was lying to make me feel better for being one sided.

"I'm sorry." she says again. Her eyes started to water up, as she shook her head like she was ashamed of herself or something.

I lean in trying to getting closer to her, "why are you sorry?"

She hesitated before chocking on her words. "I don't remember."

"Oh." I nodded my head slowly. "Like you don't remember anything at all, or anything with me?"

"Anything with you." she finally said.

I chocked.

"That's fine. " I tell her. "Just get some rest." As I was about to turn around and walk away, I heard a faint whisper of an apology again, yet I didn't turn to her to assure her of anything. I just walked off pretending, even though I stopped in the mid walk that I didn't hear her before closing the door.

I felt lied to.

But that wasn't important right now, I had to get Kian. Maybe she'll remember him.

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