Chapter 20

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Now the first thing on my mind was food.i was starving, and her safety could wait a couple of minutes while I waited in the drive way of McDonald.

For some reason ordering the large fries, and a few sandwiches were seriously being consider. And it was all for me.

I want focus on them for the most part until all my food was gone, when Kian's presence really started to caught my eye.

I knew it would be a long drive, but it was necessary for the time being.So I drove back to the safe house. With every thing that was going one, and with Kian deciding to tag along, I had to do something that seemed reasonable. At least it looked like it at that moment.

Olive sat in the back, catching up with Kian even though it's been barely a month before they last been together in the same space.

In my mind, she was overreacting.

And needed to stop.

By the time we reached the house, I grabbed everything as a Olive and Kian were still at it.

I watched as they walked over to the bed that was a mess, and sat there talking.

"Quick question. " I say walking over. "Why did you come?"

"Its not like you stopped me." He replied.

"Well my stomach was more important than your life considering your not the one in danger."

He rolled his eyes, turning to Olive.  "So when do you think this will all be over."

"When Jack's dad gets back." Olive answered.

She tuned to me for conformation,  which I gave with a nod.

"I thought he'll be back In 2 weeks."

"Yeha, I thought that too, but father has a plan of his own."

The both nodded, looking at the ground.

"So, how long do you guys think this is going to be?"

She looked at me.  "I don't know. I haven't gotten any contact with him since he left. And I'm pretty sure he's ignoring them on purpose. "

"Why would he do that? You told me that he cares for you."

I shook my nead. "There's a difference.  When I was little I showed promise,  now he's afraid I won't be what be wants me to be. So doing nothing could prove to him a lot a lot of thing.

"You dad is sick." Kian said, shaking his head.

"That's not the worst of it." I told him.

I walked over, taking a seat on the bed to, while Olive couldn't stop looking at me.

I turned to face her, as she quickly pulled her head down.

"You okay?" I asked her.

She nodded, not turning to me.

Kian scooted over to check on her,  but she didn't allow him to come any closer to her than what he was originally at. Yet she allowed me to.

I came over and hugged her tightly.

Kian looked at us in disgust, making it clear by how his nose scrunched up as she rub my back.

"What's going on here?" He asks. His eyes open slowly, watching intensely at the sight.

"What?" She replied. "What are you talking about? "

Kian moves his index finger side by side, pointing from me to Olive. "I mean, this. You guys seem more closer."

She smiles. Olive wraps an arm around my shoulder, leaning in. "Yeah, you could say that."

She gave me this cute smile, and I don't know exactly what to feel. All I knew was my face felt hot, but I turned around so quick, that no one saw that little smile creeping from the side of my mouth.

Kian eyes were set on me. I could feel his eyes beaming through me, as if I was see through. Yet I shot my head to him, and gave a cocky grin.

"So you two...are-"

I quickly dropped my cocky expression addressing the matter at hand. It would be great to make him think that, cause it'll make me happy. Plus I actually might like her. She's warming up to me but the record needed to be set straight.

It's only fair

"There's nothing going on between us. " I looked over at Olive who's face sank a bit.

Maybe she did like me, was the only thing I could think about at that moment.


"Relax. We just settled our differences. "

She scoffed, laughing at my explanation. "Yeah that's exactly what happened."

I couldn't help but smile back at her.  "You."


I know it short and all, but I;m so sorry for publishing then late. I got home yesterday at like 10, and I didn't have time to do it, and homework.

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P.s. If you don't like it, its okay. I don't like it either.

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