Chapter 19

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We fell asleep.

And it was good too.

When I woke up, I didn't know but I had slept right next to her. Her arm around me, as her head laid onto of me.

That night was very foggy because I don't exactly know what lead to this.

All I remember is her smiling at me, and me smiling back at her.

Slowly I got up, headed to the bathroom to got ready. When I was done with everything, I opened the door as she was slowly undressing.

"Olive." I began.

Quickly she grabbed the bedsheets, and covered her self as she walked to the bathroom. She closes the door, and called after me with a heavily sigh. "Could you past me the rest of my clothes?"

I picked up her pants, and handed it to her.


I saluted, not like she could see me. I just did.

By the time she was done, 10 minutes had passed.

"So what are we doing today?" She asked.

"We're checking out, and then getting something to eat."

She smiled at me. And I looked at her confused. "Why are you smiling at me?" I asked.

For some reason it made her smile even more. "You told me where we're going."


"You never do."

I frowned my brows. "I'm pretty sure I tell you what we're going to do."

"No. You never do."

I looked down, realizing how true that was. Every time we left I never told her exactly where we were going. I never even realized that.

Olive grabbed the bag, and heading down to the elevator where I would soon meet her.

I cleaned the room up a bit. It's not like it was messy, but I made the bed, and picked up some pillows.

Before I left, I checked the tray of food that was delivered yesterday to see if she had taken a bite of it.

She didnt.

I sighed in relief knowing that she was finally listening to me.

When I finally got down to the stairs, we both stared at the door. I font know why, but I felt as if a bunch of things had lifted of me, and everything that would follow would be calm or something.

"So where's this place though?" She asked pulling the door opened.

I smiled a bit, before staring up the car. "Well I know this amazing place down, maybe a 10 minute drive from here."

Olive eyes widen, "are thy this good?"

I smiled again. "There one of a kind."

She scoffed, rolling over.

Just as I said it, it only took 10 minutes. I didn't know the name of the place, which I should considering how long I've been going there.

I found a booth close to the front, away from the windows, and sat there.

Looking over the menu, I could hear my stomach growling at me. It's only been been a day we haven't eaten, and my stomach was attacking me.

Everything on the menu looked delicious that I didn't know what I wanted. In fact I was debating whether or not to just order everything on it.

I did have the money.

I was so close to calling the waiter over and asking for everything, not paying attention to Olive when he came over.

And suddenly I wasn't hungry anymore.

Because right in front of me, made me realize something that I haven't realize until now.

Kian stood there with his mouth hanging down, while his long brown hair was in a bun. His eyes were in shock, as Olive looked up to see what had captured my attention.

When she finally set eyes on him, she stood there... still.

He walked over, as a smile slowly took over him face.

"Kian," she began. "What are you doing here?"

"I can say the same for you. I thought you were in hiding. "

"Yeah, we are."

He rushed over, wrapping his arms around her tightly.

I don't know what happened, but at that moment, everything was different. I wanted wanted to leave.

I stopped up, and looked around before either found exactly what I wanted.

"We have to go." I tell her.

She half listened. All her attention is is on kian, and it needed to be on me.

"Olive. " I called for her napping her out of the trance that Kian had put on her.

"Olive we have to go."

Her eyes jetted towards me. "Why? We just got here?"

I pointed out the window at a tinted black windowed car. "You see that car?" I asked them.

"That's the the same car from earlier. " The easiest lie I would ever get get the chance to give.

"Well...okay." she hugs him again before heading for the door. She stops suddenly walking back to him.

"Come with us."

"Like get chased, and shot at?" Kian asked.

"That was only 1 time."

"One time?" he scoffed shocked at her tone. He's taken back, and walks walks out the restaurant with us.

Olive runs after him, but I know it won't end well. Least I hope not.

I was closely behind, when she turned him around.

"What's wrong with you?" He blurted out. And then walked over to me. "What did you do?"

"Nothing." I assured him. "Nothing."

He looked me in my eyes unsure if he should believe me or not.

"Kian he didn't do anything. I just miss you. Is that so hard to believe. "


"But what?" She interrupted.

He sigh, walking back to her. "I miss you too. And if you want me here, then I'm here." He looked back at me, and I just smiled back. "I'm coming. "

She grinned, as she rushed into a big hug from him.

I rolled my eyes at the scene. Now I have two people to worry about. And I was still hungry.


Sorry for the late update, but here it is.

Comment what you think so far.

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