Chapter 30

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It seemed so far away, everything did.

Her parents came in a few hours later while I was half away, but as soon as I saw them step trough those door and realized who they had to be, I straighten myself up.  Her father already hated me from my lack in what he calls my skills set in class, and with me standing in front of his daughter laying in a hospital bed, just ruined that potential relationship that could be fixed.

"What happened?" her mother's body fell onto her, holding her hand in the processes.

"She got hurt during paintball, but the doctors say she'll be fine."but

"The doctors?" her father questioned me as if he wasn't sure what I had just said. 

I nodded, "yes, doctors."

"As in more than 1?"

I swallowed hard, looking away, "yes."

"You did this you know?" he told me, like it wasn't clear to me. It took a rubber bullet for me to realize my feelings for someone that's unconscience.

"It wasn't me I swear." I tried to get it out, but it seemed as if everything they thought they knew about me was the only thing surffing through their heads right then. "I'm sorry, but..."

"Just leave. Family only."

"Then why are you here?"

He stared at me with intense eyes wanting to say something, yet it was too late, I left.

That was the last time I saw her, at least that's what I thought it would be, but things have a way of ending itself I guess. It wasn't until recently when I was heading back to that place where it all started when I saw her again. This time she wasn't alone. I was running down the side when I caught a glimpse of what looked like her, and stopped. I watched from afar as she gave a guy a peck on his check when I realized who it was. After all this time, he finally step to the plate.

Kian smiled back at her before walking off direction. He headed pass the waterfall, and some part of me stared walking towards her. I don't know I still had this strong urge,until I pushed myself back. She didn't need to see me again, I had saw her, so I ran off with so much on my mind, so much I wanted to say stuck in my head.

It took me a while before I went to were it all began. I sat in a booth, the only one opened and sat waiting for the waitress to asked me my order.

She saw me.

She slide inside the booth with me, and I stared at her so confused. The last time I saw her was only an hour ago, and here she was.

"I saw you early." she began.


"I didn't know what to say before, but I'm sorry." She was breaking down, almost in tears.

"Why didn't you walk over?" I asked.

"There wasn't anything else to say, but I hope everything is okay, going good."

"Yeah," I  scoffed.

"But I have to tell you something. I'm sorry."

"Sorry about what?" she kept saying it, but wouldn't explain why. I started to wonder what could have been so bad that it's eating her up.

Olive stared at her hands,  playing with her fingers. She took a dead o breath, looked up to me and said,"when you last saw me, not an hour ago, but in the hospital. Remember when I said that I didn't remember you?"

I swallowed.

"I lied."

I started blinking my eyes rapidly shocked, and hurt. "What?" I questioned myself more than I did. I wonder what she was actually saying was true, or if I just conjure up that last sentence of hers.

"I'm sorry, but at the time it seemed like the right move."

"How is faking a concussion ever the right move?" I inquired.

"Please, I thought you'll understand. Everything hit me so hard and I had so much time to think about it all. Everything that happen in those short few day that I realise that I didn't really  love you. I loved the idea of you."

"So you came to shove it in my face and remind me of how I felt when you told me you couldn't remember me, only to find out that was a lie." I  shook my head at this newly found information. "Yeah, that was the right move."

Pulling up my stuff, she grabbed my hand.

"You're the one that told me your life isn't for me, and I just listen. You can't hate me for taking your advice."

"I can hate you for lying, that's a thing normal people do, right."


"No, you don't get to resurface after months and months and expect me to forgive your morally right conscience for the choses you made. That was low, even for you."


"I like my hand back, or I could take it back."

She lets go, "I'm sorry."

"Well maybe one day I'll actually accept that."

And that  was the end if it. I bet you expected a happy ending, but what she did I was wrong. I felt responsible for all of this. This is what happens when you listen to your best friend who thinks he knows everything. Becaue I had enough of all this. Maybe my father was right, this life was played out. To get what you want, you have to be the bad guy.

And that's exactly what I'm going to do.

Haven't updated this in a long time, but now that summer is here I'll have more time to write this. Plus, it just took a turn that didn't know I was going to write.

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