Chapter 13

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"Alex." Wolf said softly, as he stood at the door to Alex's room awkwardly, unsure if he can enter or not. "What is it?" Alex asked, gesturing for him to come in. Wolf came in and shut the door behind him, he then stood around awkwardly, also unsure where he can and can't sit. Alex sighed and patted the bed for him to sit down. "About the thing that happened in Wales..." Wolf started but he was not very certain how to proceed with his topic. Alex waited patiently for the man to sort himself out. "I am truly very very sorry for everything that I said and did to you. Its just... I. There's no excuse for me to justify why I was being such an asshole. When I heard that you had been with that terrorists and been trained by them, I probably just got mad and every logical reasoning left me and I didn't try to get to the truth before being so mean. I am really really sorry Cub." Wolf said, hanging his head in shame. 

Alex sighed softly, he himself was taken by surprised when Wolf started apologizing. "It's okay. It'd be okay." He muttered, patting wolf's arm. "Its not! I treated you like shit." 

"That's okay... You realize that it was wrong, that's all that matters Wolf. Stop beating yourself up about it." Alex reassured the Hispanic teamleader that everything was alright. They had then chatted a while, about anything really - their missions, funny things that had happened to them- before the older man decided to turn in for night. 

The next morning when they woke up, Alex was already gone and he left a note saying he'll be back soon and told them not to wonder off without telling him, which basically meant to keep their asses in the house until he gets back. The team lazed around, getting really bored by the time it was almost 10pm. One day gone and they did nothing except to sit around and wait for their mission leader to get back from wherever he went. The front door opened quietly and was shut without a single sound made. Alex had returned, he took in his surroundings and noted that the whole team had retired to their rooms for the night. Good. Now they wouldn't come and pester him until morning.  Alex thought as he limped up to his room and went to get himself ready for bed, well he tried his best keeping his noise down so that he doesn't attract any attention. He was injured and extremely tired. He doesn't really want to deal with the team right now. 

Alex woke to someone shaking him lightly. He jolted up, his hand already on his gun and ready to shoot. "Hey hey hey, its just me. Calm down." The Hispanic man was barely visible in the dark except for his eyeballs. Floating eyeballs. Alex mused. This made the man frown as he watch Alex suddenly smiled a little as if he thought of something funny. Even if the boy did he wouldn't have shown it. The boy seem so tipsy and out of it. "Are you alright cub? You were whimpering a little and I woke you up because I thought that you might be having a nightmare." Wolf reached out to steady the boy when he tipped slightly sideways. 

"I'm fine... I'll be okay. Don't you worry about me. There's nothing to worry about. Silly old me is nothing to worry about, I'm such an idiot for always making people worry, perhaps it might have been better if I was... gone." Alex muttered softly, slurring slightly as he looked at the bed with half lidded eyes. "I'm sooo useless." Alex continued as Wolf's frown deepened. This isn't how the Cub he knew is like. Wolf reached up to his forehead to see if he has a fever. The boy was burning hot. "I'll be okay. Just go back to sleep." Alex said softly, waving him off as he fell onto his side. "ompft. haha so careless." 

"Come on Cub you're not okay, lets go to Snake." 

"Noooo, I'm okayy." the boy said, as he tried to sit up. "I just need some fresh air." Alex muttered as he tried to stand up. That was proven to be a bad idea as he suddenly felt very dizzy. He stumbled a little into Wolf. "I'm so sorry." Alex apologized profusely as he tried to get his footing back. Wolf held onto the boy who was trying to get his balance back. "Come on Cub." Wolf coaxed, he knew that the boy despite being so out of it will still have his defense mechanism up so he rather not risk having the boy injure himself more. "I'm fine. I'll just sleep it off." Wolf narrowed his eyes. He has been in RTI with Alex before and the boy wouldn't just give in even if he was badly injured and was sick from the infections. Something else must be making him so out of it. Did he take drugs or something? "Cub? Look at me." Alex tried to keep his eyes open to look at Wolf as instructed. "Do you have any drugs or alcohol in you?" 

"I had to drink, I didn't have a choice. I usually can hold quite a few drinks, I dunno why I can't today." Alex slurred slightly. SOMEONE FUCKING DRUGGED HIM. Wolf fumed. "Al, come on stay with me. Look at me. I'm going to get snake."

"Noo. Please don't leave me."

"I'm not leaving you. I'll come back alright?" Wolf set the boy down gently on the bed before bolting out the door to find the medic. Please be okay. Please be okay. Please don't have too serious a condition. WHO DAFUQ DRUGGED HIM??? HE'S GOING TO PAY WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON HIM. JUST YOU WAIT YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT, IF CUB ISN'T OKAY YOU'RE GOING TO FUCKING GET IT FROM ME. 

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