Chapter 22

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"How are we going to get out? We need first aid, Cub isn't going to survive if they leave us here like this." Snake murmured to the rest, everyone turning to look at the teen that was laying down in the shadows. His wounds have stopped bleeding just a while ago but he is looking quite pale and tired. His wounds would get infected sooner or later if they don't clean it and bandage it all up. '
"What I don't understand is why they haven't touched us yet." Fox said.
"Uh, would you rather they do something then?" Eagle retorted, looking at Fox like he just grew a second head.
"They wouldn't do anything to you guys." A voice from the corner reached them, Alex had woken up just before Fox and Eagle can start bickering again. The unit looked at him for further explanation. "They wanted you guys to watch."
"Watch what?" Eagle asked, then realised immediately what they had wanted the unit to watch. He took a sharp intake of breath, staring wide eyed at Alex. "They wouldn't." Alex shot them a weak smile before nodding to confirm their worst fear.
"Why? What is the purpose of it?" Wolf asked, growling. This had just irritated him even more as they had basically said that they were going to keep torturing the spy.
"To let them know, to let the spy agencies know what would happen if they continue ruining Scorpia's plans," Alex said, pausing to gauge their expression to see if he should continue talking. When they never said anything, he continued, "they want you guys to watch then they want you guys to go back to MI6 and SAS to relay the message."
"What are they going to do to you after that?" Snake asked, almost afraid of the response. Alex sighed, he had hoped that they wouldn't ask that question. "I would be dead already by the time they send you guys back," Alex said softly. The unit froze, nobody said a word. Eagle moved over to help Alex sit up when he noticed that the boy was trying to sit up.
"You don't have to keep your pain to yourself you know," Eagle whispered softly to the boy, he could feel how tense the boy is and how he had been very quiet about it. Alex shook his head, "if I can't keep myself together, how do I keep my team together hmm?" Alex asked with a smile. K-unit looked at Alex before looking at each other.
"Do you have any plans then, leader?" Wolf asked. They had looked everywhere and there was nothing in this cell that could help them escape. Alex was about to respond when the cell door opened. This time more than 2 guards stood at the door. Alex's hand tightened on Eagle's arm, telling him not to do anything silly before he was pulled up harshly and a blindfold tied tightly behind his head before being dragged away. "Bring those along too," one of the guards ordered before k-unit was blindfolded like Alex was and pushed out of the cell.

"How nice of you guys to join us." a short Chinese looking man stood in front of Alex who was tied up to a chair. Alex was glaring daggers at the man's back. He watched as K-unit was pushed into plastic chairs and bound with handcuffs to the chair. The man had jet-black hair that does not seem to match his ageing face. Alex sent a look towards his unit, they have seen that look a lot from the boy. To others, the look just seems like a simple glance towards them but to them, it was a look he always gives them when he wants them to keep quiet and not get in trouble by accidentally saying the wrong thing.
"I am Dr Three, today we would be learning about how much your stomachs can take watching this spectacular show." The man said with a grin on his face as he picked up a scalpel. From where K-unit and Alex were sitting, they could see that the scalpel was rusting, the blades blunt and chipped badly. K-unit's jaw clenched, they didn't want to disobey Alex's wishes but they were bursting to shout and scream at them. The man swiped at Alex, just nicking the skin, all the blade did was draw tiny beads of blood. Alex doesn't even tense a muscle, in fact, to k-unit's horror, the boy looked bored!
"Is this all the damage you're going to do, Dr Three? You are losing your touch." Alex taunted, they looked at the teen like he was insane. Why is he making fun of the man who is about to torture him?! Doctor's face turned red and his eyes bulged in anger. Alex prepared himself for the hit he was about to receive. He knew that if he could make the man angry, the man would start blabbering information unintentionally. Scorpia trained or not, the man was only good at torturing and not keeping his mouth shut. K-unit watched, frightened for the boy and angry. The short man stabbed at Alex, not deep enough to bleed out but enough to hurt a lot more than it should. He dragged the scalpel harshly against the skin on his forearm, cutting open the flesh. K-unit felt like they couldn't watch anymore, Alex wasn't screaming either. He was just sitting there with his jaw clenched tightly and his eyes would scrunch in pain once in a while but never would a scream escape from his cracked and bleeding lips.
They are confused as to why the boy was not letting out any sounds but it was still hurting them. The doctor was talking and yelling angrily, gesturing profusely. The doctor pulled back a fist, punching Alex in the face hard causing the chair to tip backwards. The back of the chair hit the floor harshly and Dr three ordered his men to pull the chair back up. Alex's head hung limp, rolling against his chest like he had been knocked unconscious. K-unit growled furiously, struggling against the restraints. Please be okay. Please not be dead.

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