Slim Your Legs

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Plank jacks: 30 reps
in a plank position on your hands, jump to spread out your legs to make a V. snap them back together in the plank position for one rep.

Lying frog bends: 30 reps
lie on your back with your legs straight up in the air. turn tour feet outwards so that they are facing away from each other and the heels are touching. bend the bends as low as you can comfortably, then return them back to straight for one rep.

Side lunges: 20 reps each leg
stand with your feet shoulder width apart and hands on your hips. step one foot of to the side, bending your knee. push off the foot to bring it back to starting position. repeat for one rep.

Side lying leg lift: 15 reps per leg
lie on your side with your legs straight out so that your feet are stacked on each other. bend the knee of your top leg and bring the foot over top the bottom leg, planting the foot in front of your bottom knee. lift your bottom leg as high as you can and bring back down for one rep.

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