Chp-13 Tears, tears and more tears...

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Amaani's P.O.V

My eyes open up and I look around feeling that I'm moving. I'm in a carriage. Oh no! Oh dear lord why?!

Tears start coming out my eyes and I see that my crown is on the floor of the carriage with one of the diamonds slightly hanging out of the holder. Oh my mother's crown! No!

This wasn't just a horrific dream!? This was all real! A horrible reality! Why?! I try to reach for the crown but I realise my hands are tied up as well as my feet. For goodness sake?! What have I done to deserve this?!

Zacharias was right, I am naive. I'm so pathetic. So stupid. How can I lead a Kingdom when I can't even keep myself safe! Now Zacharias is probably worrying heavily!

"So you're awake? My Prince she is awake! Do you want me to stop the carriage!?," this disgusting, stupid guard calls out.

I hear a reply, "Yes! Stop the carriage I'll come over there and you come over here. I'll take wonderful care of her."

I shiver in fear and then more tears come out as the carriage comes to halt. The guard gets out and I hiss as I try to push myself up into a sitting position and I succeed after a few seconds. I gasp.

My arms! They are all bloodied, they have lots of cuts and scratches, probably because of the thorn bushes! How did he know about the road behind the palace?! All the scratches burn and I hiss. I suddenly feel the carriage rattle a bit and I look over glaring seeing it is Him.

Arjun smirks and he yells out, "Get it moving, we have 5 more hours of sweet, travel to go through to get to Kanya Kumari."

I gasp, Kanya Kumari?! WHAT?! I open my mouth to let out a scream but it is interrupted by his grimy hand. I let out a muffled scream as the carriage moves and then my scream turns into a sob.

He keeps a hand on my mouth and with his free hand he takes out a cloth and my eyes widen. Arjun forcefully ties it around my head, covering my mouth. I try to yell but it is muffled.

"Ah...much better not hearing your whining and crying."

I glare weakly and tears come out. He laughs cruelly before speaking, "My, my why are you crying? Haven't we sorted out the negotiating? You should be happy, Queen Amaani."

Attempting to growl at his stupid face, I fail and he laughs at my futile attempt to threaten him. Don't worry Zacharias will come after me! He will make you pay!

Arjun moves his foot and it hits the crown making him surprised and he picks the crown up making me very worried. Don't break it! Please I beg of you!

"What a pretty crown. is yours. Fit for a pretty Queen," he says placing it on my head and I glare harshly at him.

He suddenly takes my tied up hands and then stares at my arms making me feel incredibly conscious. I let out a muffled noise and I pull my arms away but he grabs them again.

"What a lot of blood and scratches. I didn't think you would get scratched if you went over the hedges. I guess you did. My apologies my Queen...," he says smirking mockingly.

If I were not tied up, I would off killed you myself Arjun. Ahhh! What is my fate?! I begin to cry and he just gives me a frustrated look. I let out tears, tears and more tears.

A loud sound echoes in the carriage and I yelp in pain. I feel a burning patch on my face, more tears slip out of my eyes. He slapped me. Oh my god.

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