Chp-42 Returning To Normal & Love At Its Finest

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Three Months Later...

Amaani's P.O.V

Ah..everything is back to normal. Normality. With a stretch of my arms I step out onto the bedroom balcony. The view of the main capital kingdom of Idukki greets my eyes.

The palm trees poking out occasionally dancing and swaying in the warm breeze. Strands of my loose hair of my braid waft lightly in the wind. I hear the constant murmur of the palace as maids, servants, guards and everyone here works to their best.

I close my eyes and clutch my hands together as I begin to reflect quickly.

Thank you so much for all you have done for me God. Also I hope mother, are watching over me happily. I'm sorry if I did some things that were against customs however what I think is right is entitled to me. I love you both.

My eyes open and my mouth forms a grateful smile. The memory of the day we cam back from Kanya Kumari was amazing.


The carriage rocks slightly side to side with a few occasional bumps. I lean my head on Zacharias's shoulder.

"Amaani, look over there it's the palace guard tower. We are in the capital now. Our kingdom." Zacharias exclaims grinning in excitement.

I perk up looking outside seeing it. My heart pounds in joy. Thank you Lord!

"I'm so glad to be back. I missed here so, so much. Everything will go back to normal. I hope our people are not too shaken up without us?" I ask.

"I think not. My mother and Shana were guiding the kingdom reporting every necessary information." He says reassuringly. I nod and let out large sigh.

Soon after about ten more minutes, we reach the kingdom gates. The sound of cheering immediately rings in my ears.

"I-is that..cheering?" Zacharias questions in absolute confusion.

"It sounds like it." I respond shocked.

"The king and queen have returned! Our brave queen and king! Praise be to them! Amaani and Zacharias Abraham!"

The gates open with a large metallic groan revealing a large ocean of people. Our people. We begin to ride through.

Smiles and cheers resonate echoing loudly. Tears line my eyes as I shyly wave to the crowd. There are a few banners scattered around and a lot of flowers being thrown.

We continue waving and riding through the crowd until we reach the palace gates which are opened grandly too. My eyes instantly are drawn to a beautiful, young royal girl standing on the large steps. My sister.

"AMAANI! You're here! Oh my goodness!" Shana screams sobbing.

Soon tears flood down my face and Zacharias rubs my back gently trying to soothe me. I missed Shana so much, I haven't seen her in so long.

Eventually, the carriage stops and I spot my father in law coming over and opening up our carriage door. He helps me down and off the carriage; doing the same for Zacharias.

Shana lifts her skirt a little and sprints over towards me. I open my arms outwards for a hug as she tumbles into me crying heavily in happiness. A small hiss of pain escapes my lips yet I hug her back equally tight.

"You're here. I missed you so much, you know that Amaani. I may be annoying at times, however remember that I'll always care for you and love you." Shana says clutching my hands after the hug.

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