Chp-16 Plan of action & deception at last!

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Five days later...

Zacharias's P.O.V

Waking up, I frown looking at myself in the mirror. I have bags under my eyes and dark circles. My irises have become duller and I-I just don't feel happy at all.

Don't worry my Queen, we have a plan to get you back. As the advisor said, 'deceive them like they deceived us!'

I smirk as I walk out of the bedroom after getting ready for today. You'll pay Arjun and Sakthi. I'll make you pay, and I won't have mercy on you.

As I walk into have breakfast I see Shana not eating, just playing with her food and I worriedly say, "Don't worry Shana, I will definitely bring your sister back home. She will definitely be here with you by the end of this week, I promise."

She smiles weakly and then begins to eat properly making me happy. She has been finding it extremely hard to cope, I understand, after all she is a young girl, a princess who had lost everything at once. Frowning, I begin to eat my breakfast.

After eating breakfast silently...

I walk to the armoury and see all the soldiers all lined up and in their armour holding spears and swords. Good, exactly what I wanted.

"Good morning soldiers. Have you trained just as I have wanted you to?"

"Yes your majesty!" They shout out in reply.

"Have you memorised the plan and strategy we are going to use?"

"Yes your majesty we have!" They shout back in confidence. I smirk, King Kumar and Prince Arjun don't know what's coming.

"Your majesty we have prepared the cannons and spear shooters. Everything has nearly been prepared. Should we start our journey now?"

I nod and reply, "Yes, as soon as possible. We have to have two and half day travel to Kanya Kumari without the King noticing. Have we planned the route?"

The advisor nods, "Yes, we are taking her out through the Western ghats and then into the forest, however it will take an extra half day."

"It's fine, as long as we are not detected. Have all the soldiers had a good breakfast?"

"Yes your majesty they have," the advisor replies smiling. I see he's happy about this too.

I can't help but look at the old man, no wonder he was chosen as royal advisor for King Joseph. He is absolutely wonderful. I can't help but go and hug him and he is surprised, then hugs back.

I say, "Thank you Royal advisor, you have been of great help to me, my Queen, and our kingdom."

"It is but my duty your majesty." He says smiling and then bows but I place my hands on his shoulders preventing him from bowing. He looks at me confused and then I bow in front of the advisor with a grateful smile.

"If you ever need any help, don't be afraid to ask. I am forever in your debt."

After more discussion, I ask, "Is the kingdom okay now?"

"They have calmed down a little your majesty. After the speech you made, that managed to calm them down."

I nod with a little relief. Okay, so I won't be leaving the kingdom in chaos.

"Don't worry your majesty. I will keep the people at bay. You can go off and rescue the Queen with a peaceful mind," The advisor says patting my back and I smile gratefully at him.

After checking all the resources and all the soldiers, we finally get in our carriages and start our journey to Kanya Kumari.

Day 1 (Today)

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