Thirteen pt. 3 | Sam

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"Do not fall for your king,
you tell yourself
Or you would, if you didn't know
how useless it would be
You were not told
what you were made for
Yet you have always known
who you would follow
Be it into battle, into love,
or to your death

We will live for one more day,
your king says
Or he would,
if he was still alive."
—Linn d. | you are already fallen

• • •

Day ten:

1 missed call. 1 voicemail message. 4:07 p.m.

Sam was the next to call and once again leave a voicemail upon receiving no answer. Bailey hadn't been expecting it, but she supposed the pack was getting desperate, and who else but the Alpha should make the final demand?

"I thought Bella was supposed to be trouble, Little Wrenning-bird," he began in that low, authoritative tone of his. "Not you. It's time you came back now," he stated. "Or called someone at the very least. I know what Paul said hurt you, but whether he likes it or not, you're a part of this pack now -have been since the moment he imprinted on you. Now you might not know much about how wolf packs work, but I'll start by letting you know that it's together. Each member has a purpose, and if they don't pull their weight evenly, it throws everything else off balance," he told her. "But you're not pulling your weight, Little Wrenning-bird," he said. "So it's time you come back and bring that pretty little smile of yours along with you."

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